Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 26 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 26 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Balance: It's not just for gymnasts and ballerinas. Have you looked at your work-life situation lately? Are you seeing enough of your family and friends? Do you have hobbies? Are you exercising? Think about it.
● Finances: It's not instantaneous combustion or anything closely resembling it, but your finances are finally heating up. Have a great day, and make the most of this cosmic flare.
● Love: Okay, it's true that mother doesn't always know best, but a piece of folksy, homespun advice hits home when it comes to love. Even though you may not like the source, you can't deny how accurate the homily is.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: It's a good day today -- not too hectic. Meet a friend out for lunch -- the two of you can use the time to plan your next adventure. They'll also need your help for a small favor. Offer your services enthusiastically.
● Finances: A financial squeeze might drive some to engage in power struggles, but not you. Your alliances are as long term as your investments, and they each add equal value to your life. Tip your hat to yourself and to them.
● Love: The celestial pens are highlighting love and romance. And it's all for you, you sexy thing. If a relationship needs a little perk or you're still on the lookout for the right mate for you, the stars have a big treat in store.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: You've become a superhero to that helpless coworker who just can't seem to get the hang of things. Although you'd like to give them a piece of your mind next week, your help is more valuable than your criticism.
● Finances: You thought ahead, and now you get to see your ideas put into action. That's right, the sensible investments are paying off. Not in a big way, but that's just what you anticipated.
● Love: Look at areas in your love life that generate lots and lots of conflict. Next, figure out what you could be doing to bring the anxiety level down to the minimum. Even the smallest action is a step in the right direction.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Have you been worried you're not meeting your boss's expectations? Don't. Anyone could have made the mistake you made last week. Your supervisor holds no grudges against you, and they are eager to get you back on track.
● Finances: You're no bargain basement shopper, and spending money as if you were is outrageous! Don't get all bent out of shape. You might be tempted to shop above you station, but just make sure you can afford it.
● Love: Not only are you ready to tackle all of the tasks on your schedule, but you're ready to solve all the world's problems too. Go ahead and tend your own garden first before moving on to anyone else's plot of land.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: People who seem enthusiastic about your ideas might have ulterior motives. Look beneath the surface in an awkwardly worded email or a clumsy conversation. What were they really saying? The truth may surprise you.
● Finances: Don't look for this time to be one of big achievements. That doesn't mean you won't have anything to show for yourself, but unfortunately, your accomplishments will run parallel to you profits.
● Love: You really are a most desirable creature, but even the stars can't help you if you insist on believing all of your own press. Keep that ego under control around romantic prospects and trot out your more modest side.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: The details are driving you crazy today -- everything has to be checked and then double-checked. You'd just love to charge ahead and get it done, but you know you can't. Slow and steady wins the race.
● Finances: You can't be too flexible these days. With changing budgets and a shifting economy, staying rigid would sink you. That said, don't bend when it comes to helping others.
● Love: Unrealistic goals and perfectionism are two things to toss overboard when it comes to looking for a relationship. They're just ballast that weigh you down and keep you from seeing the true potential of a situation.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: A family obligation may conflict with the date of your next office event or travel date. Which responsibility should you choose? Force yourself to make the riskier choice. You'll easily overcome any resulting tension.
● Finances: Your first response might be, don't look at me! But your second should be know exactly why others look to you for answers. It won't hurt your portfolio to share your vision of the bigger financial picture.
● Love: Someone may not come through in the way you had hoped, and you're disappointed. If you're not happy with their actions or feel that they were out of line, now is your chance to deal with it. Set boundaries and reinforce them.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You work with a bunch of really fun people, and it's time they knew how fun you are too! Let your true personality come through today. Even though it's your day off, call 'em up and invite them over for an early dinner and a round of video games.
● Finances: The effects of the economy are becoming obvious. Everyone is stressed, and just how that comes out varies by individual. Are you becoming miserly or acting flamboyant? Watch yourself for tell tale signs.
● Love: You're all topsy-turvy. Romance has staked out some prime real estate in your mind, body and soul -- and no wonder! That lovely, unexpected event alters the course of your life, not to mention your choice of mates.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Your family is in your thoughts today. It's been hard to get them to see your perspective, but they are trying. And don't put off important errands -- you can easily find the time to take care of them.
● Finances: It's all about goodwill this year. Bonuses won't be generous but they will be there. If that means travel to faraway places or a company barbeque, enjoy it for all it's worth.
● Love: Filing and sorting applies to more than office work. Evaluate your romantic prospects. It's time to figure out who's a potential MVP and who's strictly a benchwarmer. Have high standards and apply them.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Reset the balance between your idealistic and practical sides -- your ambitions have been tipping in the wrong direction. Current projects are distracting you from family obligations, and it's time to adjust accordingly.
● Finances: The wolf in sheep's clothing is alive and well. In fact, they breed in just this type of economy. So if you get the hunch that someone is not as they appear, check for your wallet.
● Love: Your attitude toward love is on the verge of changing significantly. Weak prospects will naturally fade into the sunset, and you should let them. Reclaim the time and energy they've been consuming.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Social invitations from coworkers have lost their appeal. Let yourself off the hook when it comes to those after-work soirees. You've put in your time; no need to be everyone's best friend.
● Finances: Fixed ideas don't generally work, but with your budget, there's just no room for compromise. Don't go one penny into the red, even if that takes an extraordinary effort.
● Love: Stepping forward into a brave new emotional world often entails some kind of upheaval, but take a chance. You have much to gain if you make a move, and plenty to lose if you stay in an increasingly stale situation.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You've noticed a coworker who's been getting in over their head. Roll up your sleeves and give them a hand next week. You'll discover they possess some skills you need to develop, thereby forming a partnership.
● Finances: Mind your own business, of only because the business of others is so upsetting. You should focus on your own bottom line, and increasing it means blocking out any drama.
● Love: This matter of the heart might leave your brain flummoxed. Get your heart and your head to work together, especially when it comes to judging character. Find some balance when you evaluate personal relationships.