Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 14 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 14 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Next week presents the perfect opportunity to think about changing superficial elements of your work -- how you approach customers, logos, design elements and other aspects of presentation.
● Finances: Everyone needs to slow down and take a breath. In fact, you have no choice. If you've made your career your top concern, then it may feel a bit awkward, but it won't take long for you to get the hang of it.
● Love: You want a little piece of someone's heart. No, scratch that -- you want the whole thing! Your strong attraction to this person leaves you puzzled as to what to do next. Why not start off by saying hi?
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You won't feel quite right among your people today, and you may be inspired to make some changes. Before you go off and do your own thing, check in to make sure you have the green light.
● Finances: Everyone is seeing things from a new perspective. Taking a personal day has less real costs in the current climate but more perceived ones. But even if it looks bad, make sure your plans are firm.
● Love: Muster up the courage to face your relationship fears head-on. Once you actually see what they are, they'll be reduced from monsters to teensy-weensy bugaboos. Plus, you'll stop making the same mistakes over again.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You'll see the potential of a crazy idea that nobody else around you seems to understand. You may not be able to explain it precisely, but you can still act -- your path will solidify under you as you make forward progress.
● Finances: The hidden agendas of humans seem clear compared to that of the market. But even if things are confusing and hazy, you need to attempt your business plans if you expect any profits to be squeezed out.
● Love: Take your time. Whoever's telling you that you have to hurry up and find the love of your life now is just plain wrong. You have your own agenda. The right person is out there, so don't settle for second best.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You're not in the mood to do paperwork or repetitive tasks, especially not on your day off. Your energy would be better spent pursuing creative endeavors or hanging out with your family and friends.
● Finances: Profit is like a scared turtle. There's not much you can do to coax it out of its shell, other than keep perfectly still. But others are bound to misinterpret that approach, so join them in beating the bushes for it.
● Love: Do a little cleaning, both mentally and spiritually. Old baggage is taking up space that rightfully belongs to new items. So, old photos and sweaters, memories of old loves that didn't work out -- it's time to let 'em all go.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Your brainpower has attracted attention from all sorts of welcome sources. Keep pushing the envelope, and before you know it, you'll be recruited by the company you've always wanted to work with.
● Finances: It used to be that you tried not to bore others with your newest savings plan. These days, it's not nattering on and on about the latest bail out. But whatever the current taboo subject, do put value on making a good impression.
● Love: In order to understand why your love life is the way it is, you have to understand what happened before. It's time to look at old patterns and long-standing habits that are holding you back from what you need.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: It's hard to focus on the tasks in front of you today, so maybe it's a good time to strategize about future business. If you can write it all down, you'll discover some great ideas in that bustling head of yours.
● Finances: Being creative with the numbers won't help anything but your attitude, but at least it's a start. As long as you leave it at that, go ahead and dust off your artistic tendencies.
● Love: You're starting to see an old, dear friend in an entirely new and romantic light. The problem is you're not sure whether this will fade or grow stronger. Give it a little time. You don't have to decide right now.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Think of your life like a food pyramid. Are you maintaining balance among the most important food groups -- family, work, friends, hobbies, exercise? If not, try to juggle your priorities.
● Finances: You're missing the good old days. Not only do they feel like just yesterday, the really were. But even though their memory is fresh in your mind, this kind of sentimentality is not a good place to be in.
● Love: In order to find love, you have to give it some breathing room. Take a break from the pursuit of romance and focus on other parts of your life. Find a volunteer cause to work for, or go back to school.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Spending and credit issues might be looming in your financial future, if they haven't already hit. Try to address them before their impact can be felt throughout your household.
● Finances: Having some self-control meant watching others climb above you hand over fist. Now the wisdom of your strategy is being revealed for what it is. Your good sense should put you and your fans in a good mood today.
● Love: Someone really understands you -- and understands your current romantic dilemma even better. You're used to discretion being the better part of valor, but talking this out would help you more than you know.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Today, set aside at least a few minutes -- and preferably far more -- for some deep thinking about the future. Your whole professional landscape is changing and it may be time to switch venues.
● Finances: Values are being redefined across the board. Suddenly making your own lunch seems as logical as taking the subway or walking to work. But don't let your new vision of life apply only to money.
● Love: A personal struggle smoothes out just in time for you to turn your energy to other concerns. It's a great time to think about your search for love. What do you really want from your love life? How can you get it?
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: As long as you're busy with something new, you'll get all the support you need. Meanwhile, don't bother with work stuff today. In fact, you haven't focused on anything domestic in a while.
● Finances: High energy, high drama -- it used to be all one and the same. No more. If you want good results, you have to keep your composure and work hard. Go for a new look -- recognition, not notoriety.
● Love: Taking care of the nitty-gritty helps you to bury the past. You have the chance to establish a whole new romantic agenda if you can let yourself leave your ghosts where they belong -- behind you.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Explore every option. It's time you found a new way to get things done, and you'll need to sift through plenty of alternatives before you find the solution. Don't worry -- it's not as complicated as it seems.
● Finances: The more things change, the more they stay the same. What used to be up, up, up is now up and down, on a good day. You don't have to understand why things are happening to know enough to wear your seatbelt.
● Love: Your heart is wiser than you think. If an old ache from a past relationship won't go away, it's time to sit down and examine the whys and wherefores of the mark it left. Do a little deep soul exploration.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Try mixing things up just a bit throughout the day. Treat your activities like a scientist treats experiments, and see if you learn anything interesting. And consider this: Revelations may come later on.
● Finances: Of course when money gets tight, everyone starts thinking the group needs something else. The logical place to look is leadership, but that's not where the ax will fall. Act like a true leader, no matter what category you fall under.
● Love: Let your dreams guide you. Your subconscious has some very pertinent things to say about your love life if you only listen. Take a long walk or try meditating quietly with some of these images. They're powerful tools.