Horoscope for today - Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - July 31 2017

Horoscope for today - Free Daily Chinese Horoscopes - July 31 2017


Horoscope for today - RAT
● General: It''s time to put your goals first.
● Love & Relationships: You might feel kind of jerked around romantically, but things will smooth out eventually.
● Career: This will be the time to make financial decisions and to make useful purchases.
● Lucky number : 47
● Best time of the day : 10h00


Horoscope for today - OX
● General: Delays and road blocks of all kinds are to be expected this time.
● Love & Relationships: One minute you''re all crushed out, the next you can''t stand them; first you''re dying for a relationship, then all you want is to be free.
● Career: You''re on the job.
● Lucky number : 56
● Best time of the day : 20h00


Horoscope for today - TIGER
● General: Everyone wants you to.
● Love & Relationships: Your sentimental life will go through a difficult, confused, perturbed phase; what could be taken for granted yesterday will be open to question tomorrow.
● Career: Financial excess is not wise for you right now.
● Lucky number : 62
● Best time of the day : 22h00


Horoscope for today - RABBIT
● General: You need some alone time, stat!
● Love & Relationships: Feel like a key conversation jumped the rails recently? You can get a key relationship back on track by assuming responsibility for your part.
● Career: Someone''s going to get pretty bossy today -- try to make sure that it''s not you.
● Lucky number : 34
● Best time of the day : 13h00


Horoscope for today - DRAGON
● General: Details involving protocol and getting rid of red tape occupy all your attention right now.
● Love & Relationships: But with the persons whom you love, try not to lack tenderness and even attentiveness.
● Career: It''s up to you to make things work they way they need to today -- you can do it!
● Lucky number : 55
● Best time of the day : 11h00


Horoscope for today - SNAKE
● General: It''s only temporary, and you can learn something too.
● Love & Relationships: Withholding your feelings makes you and your sweetheart feel on edge, and unnecessarily so.
● Career: When did life get so complicated? All you want is some spare time and privacy so you can work on some time-sensitive projects and long-dormant dreams.
● Lucky number : 93
● Best time of the day : 17h00


Horoscope for today - HORSE
● General: It''s time for you to get social in a big, new way.
● Love & Relationships: If you deem that your present sentimental situation is not entirely satisfactory, profit by this favorable astral ambiance to improve it; in any case, remember that to love is to give much more than to receive.
● Career: Good luck will smile to you, so if you want to make financial investments, don''t hesitate -- you''ll make the most of them.
● Lucky number : 61
● Best time of the day : 9h00


Horoscope for today - SHEEP
● General: Too much focus on partners could eventually leave you feeling neglected.
● Love & Relationships: Is this your cause, or are you taking it on because unconsciously you hope to please your sweetie? It''s difficult to separate what''s yours, mine and ours, but it''s necessary to maintain a healthy relationship.
● Career: Usually you''re the very definition of understanding, but someone else''s mistake could mean extra work and longer hours for you.
● Lucky number : 57
● Best time of the day : 21h00


Horoscope for today - MONKEY
● General: Talking about what you stand for and truly believe is a good way to spend this day.
● Love & Relationships: Set the expectations to the side, flirt randomly, laugh long and loud, and you''re on the right track.
● Career: Your work will be intense; try to take frequent moments of rest.
● Lucky number : 59
● Best time of the day : 12h00


Horoscope for today - ROOSTER
● General: Don''t be afraid to reach for the stars.
● Love & Relationships: Your nervous system will be more sensitive and you must take good care of it.
● Career: It''s easy to complain about how there''s no time for anything else but work and other obligations in your life, but have you really tried to juggle your schedule so there''s room for a little frolic and fun?
● Lucky number : 82
● Best time of the day : 12h00


Horoscope for today - DOG
● General: Create a new tactic for dealing with your busy days by rearranging your priorities.
● Love & Relationships: Business prospects land in your lap and new romantic prospects fly into your arms.
● Career: Whether you''re at work or walking in the park, you''re due to meet someone who turns your mind around -- once again.
● Lucky number : 83
● Best time of the day : 18h00


Horoscope for today - PIG
● General: A fantastic opportunity is on the table, but you''re so busy worrying about what you have to offer that you might miss it.
● Love & Relationships: If you''re trying to get -- or keep -- the upper hand in a romantic situation, maybe it''s time to reevaluate the whole balance-of-power thing.
● Career: Thinking about your financial future is all well and good, but what about the more ineffable stuff? Bank some figurative bucks into your emotional savings account by storing up some loving-good karma for later.
● Lucky number : 80
● Best time of the day : 12h00