Free Daily Horoscope - June 18 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Don't worry, things are about to settle down, but not just yet. Keep up the hard work through the afternoon, and you should able to sneak away earlier than you had expected.
● Finances: If you really think you can be happy doing as little as possible, then you have a real problem, and it's not simply a lack of funds. You need to find what motivates you to use your energy. Don't give up until it's clear.
● Love: Staying firmly in touch with your personal values now means you're that much closer to attaining a certain romantic goal. A long talk (both serious and funny) with a friend about what you want keeps you on target.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Those emails and voicemails aren't going to send themselves, so spend the afternoon taking care of communication concerns. By tomorrow, when you're lounging on the couch, you'll be grateful to have them out of the way.
● Finances: Your gears are turning. You may think you're coming up with some truly unique ideas, but the race is on because others are thinking along the same lines. If you want to succeed, you have to beat the masses to the finish.
● Love: While romance may not exactly be revved up, it's a good, solid day to be you. And -- bonus -- the plans you make now are favored by the stars. Perhaps getting your social calendar arranged should be a priority.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Leverage your marketability and start improving your skills. Job opportunities are out there for the taking. Even if you're not planning to leave your current position, it never hurts to know what else is available.
● Finances: You're in a dreamy kind of mood. It's not exactly the kind of state you need to be in to make changes in your life, but they just might happen anyway -- especially if others see you indulging in your favorite pastime.
● Love: Someone you might not exactly expect to be a source of good advice could offer a very interesting perspective when it comes to a romantic situation. Even if you don't agree with them, you can learn from them.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Working overtime can lead to frustration, so don't put in the extra hours today unless it's absolutely necessary. Whatever you're doing can probably wait until you're back on the clock come Monday morning.
● Finances: Whether you're daydreaming or doing some serious philosophizing, using your mind is an excellent way to spend the day. You can get back in tune with others later; for now, block them all out and gaze inward.
● Love: You may think that what you're saying (verbally or with body language) is clear as a bell, but a certain someone just might not be getting your message. Perhaps it's time to be a little more obvious?
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Keep your eyes open and your ear to the ground. Today presents a great chance to research your industry, particularly when it comes to job leads and advancement opportunities. Make a few calls -- you'll find some interesting possibilities out there.
● Finances: Try not to do any spending today. Unless it's a daily necessity, you need to do your research before deciding whether or not to buy, and you just don't have that kind of time. Keep your wallet under wraps.
● Love: Don't let that ego get in the way of moving your love life forward. Sure, making an overture means you're vulnerable, but with the right attitude, it feels less risky and more fun. Look to (at least) get a friend out of it.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You're at the top of your game and your communications skills are in fine form, so don't waste any opportunities to schmooze today. Take note of any new contacts and dig through your business cards -- you never know when they could come in handy.
● Finances: You've paid your dues and your progress is being measured not in money but in the lessons you've learned. Don't worry, you can put them to good use getting ahead financially later; for now, appreciate that you no longer judge others harshly.
● Love: The stars favor making an overture right about now -- particularly if you get creative about it. Find a common interest or a just plain weird event, and ask a certain someone to join you. You'll have lots to discuss.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Work will go better today if you spread it among others -- think teamwork! You shouldn't have to shoulder this entire project alone so make it a joint effort with other colleagues. Sweeten the deal by offering to share the credit.
● Finances: You have too much going on to sit still for even a moment, much less a day. You'll have time to count your progress later. For now, make the most of this time of intense energy and activity while it lasts.
● Love: Kiss that little case of the blues goodbye -- it's time to start loving life, and it'll be loving you right back if the stars have anything to say about it. Bonus: All things romance-related are favored now.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Watch out for interlopers today, because someone is homing in on your territory. Find a direct but civil way to let them know it's not okay to take advantage of your efforts. Why should they get any of the glory if they haven't worked for it?
● Finances: Something unexpected can knock you for a loop -- or set you straight. Regaining your footing just may be one of your hidden talents. You'll end up surer of yourself once you get shaken up a bit.
● Love: Plans and communication are both favored during the day, so parlay that good energy into your romantic and social life. What you initiate now is likely to be welcomed with open arms, so cook up a party or a hot date.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: If you're not sure how your performance holds up, ask for feedback. Your coworkers will be more than happy to provide it. Chances are, their opinions will closely reflect how management sees you. But don't hesitate to ask your supervisor as well.
● Finances: When you misplace things, it's as if you left them on another planet. Going back over your tracks never seems to help. So when money falls between the cracks, don't expect to find it. Make sure it doesn't happen instead.
● Love: You're calling it like you see it even more than usual now. Some people might find it a bit forward or a bit abrupt, but (particularly in the realm of romance) it's one sure way to get things in motion.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: The more information, the better, especially when it can help you gain an edge over your competitors. A coworker's advice was meant to be helpful, not condescending, so you might as well take it that way. Remember, you don't know everything about everything.
● Finances: You're feeling good. Wanting to channel that into something is understandable, but sometimes the most valuable thing is to simply experience it for what it is. It will come out in the form of creativity anyway.
● Love: Your many talents and all your best qualities are shined up by the stars now, giving you an extra swing in your step and a distinct advantage when it comes to the realm of romance. Use your powers wisely!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Ultimately, you have little control over things, so when plans fall apart today, don't lose your cool. This is only a minor setback, not a catastrophe. Try to treat it that way and you'll breathe a lot easier.
● Finances: You think you deserve it all and maybe you do, but your bank account has the final say when it comes to what you can actually afford. Your credit cards are simply your yes-men -- ignore them.
● Love: If you've been feeling held back in the love department by forces beyond your control, you can change all that right now. The stars are sending can-do energy, excitement, and a fresh perspective your way. Grab hold!
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Take care of the routine details today. That way, all that minutiae will be handled, and you won't have to deal with it later when you'll have bigger things to worry about. You need to focus on the small stuff before you can tackle the big tasks.
● Finances: You need to be your own boss and your own assistant today. When you need a leg-up, there's no one to help you but -- you guessed it -- you. It's harder than having help but the pay offs are far greater.
● Love: Something important is probably taking up most of your attention during the day, but this evening brings some interesting romantic energy. What's important now is that you actively welcome change in all its mysterious forms.