Free Daily Horoscope - June 11 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Let others take the risks right now -- it's fine to sit on the sidelines and watch your colleagues make plays. That's why a big career move can wait for another week or two. This is no time for major decisions, hasty or otherwise.
● Finances: You're no longer one of the sheep. You're thinking for yourself these days. In fact, you're ready to forge ahead into uncharted territory. Go ahead and do some exploring, as long as you don't spend a fortune doing it.
● Love: Plan to get some exercise and give yourself some time to think. You've got some pretty serious stuff going on beneath the surface -- don't try to plow on through without processing it.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: It's one thing to be right, but it's another to bring colleagues around to your way of thinking. Instead of envying a coworker and his or her success, observe and take lessons from their actions. You could learn a thing or two about diplomacy.
● Finances: Playing it safe is your best bet but you know you can't settle for that. If you want to take risks, do it in the personal rather than the financial arena. That way if you start to lose, you can pour on the charm.
● Love: You can be a sensitive beast, and your hide's not so thick now. Treat yourself tenderly and let yourself experience your emotions. It's only temporary, and you can learn something too.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: A rival's popularity around the office is undeniable. See if you can build an alliance with this person instead of making them your enemy. You know what side you're on, but it may not be the winning one unless you change a few things.
● Finances: You and your partners aren't approaching the problem you have in the same way. That's not necessarily a bad thing. One of you is bound to come up with the right angle, so let everyone plug away at it in their own way.
● Love: You might generally like to go with the flow when it comes to your love life, but right now you'd do well to take a more considered approach. Make a list of pros and cons -- an organized friend can help.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Assess your current situation carefully before entertaining other offers. An opportunity that seems too good to be true may be exactly that. You may have it better than you realize -- the grass isn't always greener.
● Finances: You have problems on all fronts. That means the common denominator is you. Instead of wondering who to blame or where to send your bill, start doing a bit of self-analysis. It will be a more profitable endeavor than blaming others.
● Love: There's some emotional stuff coming up now, but that doesn't mean you have to succumb to overthinking it or delve into the blues. Try talking it out with a friend -- and then move on to an actual activity.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: This may be one time to go it alone. See what you can accomplish on your own before you accept a colleague's help -- if you want to call it that. Remember, if you share the work, you'll also have to share the credit.
● Finances: Your love of money is magnified ten fold today. That doesn't mean your bottom line is any different, but you value it that much more. It's always a good thing to realize just how much you actually have.
● Love: Being self-centered isn't always a negative thing. Sometimes you've got to concentrate on number one in order to keep yourself happy and grounded. Treat yourself right (while being considerate of others too).
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You have a tendency to let small setbacks hinder your progress and paralyze you into indecision. This latest snafu is not as big of a deal as it appears to be on the surface. Turn it into a learning experience and move on.
● Finances: Wanting to rush through something odious to you won't help you get it done any faster. Take a deep breath and commit yourself to doing a good job. It's a mind game. Embrace it as if it's more than merely your responsibility.
● Love: Others may keep their conversations on a surface level, but that's not going to cut it for you right now. Whether you're talking to an old friend, a new romantic possibility or a total stranger, you'll want to get deep.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: It's up to you to swallow your pride and save the day one more time. Yes, it would be nice if they could come up with the answer themselves instead of asking you all the time. But that's no reason to refuse to help -- at least not in this particular instance.
● Finances: You're more expressive than you realize. There's almost no way to hide your motives, much less your emotions. The only thing you can do is keep your actions in check and analyze your motivations closely.
● Love: Who, you -- selfish? Maybe just a little bit at the moment -- but maybe it's not such a bad thing. One of the fabulous things about being single is you can put yourself first and treat yourself right.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You're talented, smart and accomplished, and you deserve to be surrounded by equals. You need a real challenge, not this series of mundane tasks. You'll never get a reassignment if you don't ask for it so say your piece.
● Finances: You can be disciplined for long stretches of time, but those impulse buys do you in every time. Your spending is like a diet -- when you fall off the wagon, you're forced to eat celery and carrots. Do yourself a favor and resist today.
● Love: You've got power and passion to burn, and others are finding you burning hot. Use all your confidence to unlock virtually any romantic door, then walk right on in like you own the place.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Okay, so this situation didn't go your way. Remember, that's business, baby! There's no reason to mull endlessly over why you didn't win out. Move on already -- the next great opportunity could be just around the corner, and you're wasting time!
● Finances: It takes something completely unexpected to keep you from accomplishing your goals today. That something is worth the break. An old friend or colleague brings up feelings better than any money can buy. Enjoy.
● Love: Lots of stuff's percolating in your heart and mind, and you'll want to give it time to brew. Reconciling what's going on inside with the world around you occupies you at the moment -- good for you.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Just because it comes with a name brand doesn't mean it's all that. Think about it: sometimes clout is more important than prestige. This may not be the most glamorous project, but what it lacks in glitter, it more than makes up in power.
● Finances: You can take on anything today and you might as well think big. Something that seems impossible will be crossed off your list with lightening speed. Prod yourself to move on from one task to the next.
● Love: A little extra introspection yields exponential results at the moment. Toss out your expectations about your own feelings and desires, and consider them anew. It'll be amazingly empowering.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You hate to wait, and no amount of hard work will make this project go any faster. You're just going to have to kill time while colleagues come around to your way of thinking. It'll happen faster than you think, so don't stray too far.
● Finances: There is a strange connection between your ability to communicate and the amount of money you can bring in. The more you express yourself, the bigger your profits. The equation here is obvious.
● Love: Where are you headed, romantically speaking? What's your past doing to inform your present path? Are you happy in your singledom? Others may be bumbling along, but you're asking some important questions -- good for you.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Dig beneath the surface and ask tough questions about the details. Don't take every proposal at face value. Make sure whatever you do is in the company's best long-term interest, regardless of the short-term profit.
● Finances: You'll be your usual lucky self, but before you know that for sure, you'll have to endure a bit of suspense and even some dread. If it weren't so, the final result wouldn't be as sweet. Endure.
● Love: You're known for being rather emotional, but at the moment your ups and downs (and ups again) might surprise even you with their force. Do what it takes to find a little calm -- meditate, walk, talk it out.