Free Daily Horoscope - March 9 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You will feel a new sense of security in your position, and you should be able to build toward something bigger and better. The long hours you have been putting in recently are finally starting to pay off handsomely.
● Finances: Your finances are like a pressure cooker, or worse. Things are heating up beyond the point of no return. Staying calm won't help. Try to disentangle your money before the volcano blows.
● Love: As long as you're single, why not diversify? Meeting as many people as you can gives you a sense of possibilities -- and right now, it's also really fun. Get yourself to a social event and be the social butterfly.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You are in a good position change jobs right now, but there's no reason not to play hard to get. Hold out for as much as you think they're able to offer, and then see if you can find a good counteroffer.
● Finances: You didn't write the motto 'slow and steady wins the race' but you might as well have. So when you start rushing ahead, you're really acting out of character. You never promised to be predictable. It pays to keep others guessing.
● Love: While longer-term romantic plans aren't in the stars at the moment, communicating what's on your mind and in your heart is. If you like someone, let 'em know; if something's bothering you, ditto.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: You might run into old limits that hamper your ability to make connections, but if you push yourself hard enough you will draw on hidden reserves of power that can make it all come together.
● Finances: The label 'all talk and no action' is considered pejorative. It's great that you're able to communicate so freely, and the ideas are definitely flowing, but without any follow through it's all just that much hot air. Get to work.
● Love: You've got it all down -- sweet eye contact, hilarious laughter, conversational skills that truly pay the bills, body language that suggests a little something more. Who will you choose to charm?
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: You're a champion of old and broken-down projects, and you have the energy to get things moving. Focus on ventures that have been stalled out for some time -- but in your view merit renewed emphasis. These are the ones to work on first.
● Finances: You're getting desperate, and that calls for desperate measures. Be careful, though, because once you get a taste of that hidden wild side of yours, you'll never want to go back to safety and complacency. Remember the point of it all.
● Love: A shy smile across a crowded room is all well and good, but to get results you might try something a little bolder -- like, oh, introducing yourself and asking an interesting question.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Look carefully and you'll find new freedom to move into previously off-limits territory right now. Clarity might feel as if it's disappearing, but it's not. Boundaries are shifting underneath you and it's creating some turbulence.
● Finances: It's easy to impress your friends, and that's not a bad thing. You're getting some good practice even if it goes without saying you'll win over the crowd. Taking it up one financial level is your next step, so practice while you can.
● Love: Trouble making a romantic decision? Convene a panel of experts -- your friends. They know you and they know what you want (and your foibles when it comes to getting it). Add some snacks and beverages and have fun!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You are entering a brief but unusually productive phase, and you can develop new ways of meeting goals for yourself and your peers. Speak up when it's your turn, and don't sit on your ideas. Share them with anyone who'll listen.
● Finances: If you were a painter, you'd be a realist. You're getting down to the finest details and still hungry for more clarity. Sooner or later even you have to admit the deed is done. Know when to stop.
● Love: A telling detail stands out now, and your quick reasoning leads you to a solid conclusion when it comes to romance. Before you blurt it out, though, think about the best way to communicate your finding.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Stubbornness will not pay off right now, especially under the current circumstances. You might need to let go of a cherished perk or project to ensure workplace harmony (and your job). It's the right thing to do, and you know it.
● Finances: Talking about the same old dreams isn't helping you get ahead, not to mention it's getting old. Every time you open your mouth, you let out a little bit of steam and ambition. Keep your plans to yourself for now.
● Love: Letting your innermost feelings be known can feel a bit risky, but what, exactly, is the risk? Your openness is its own reward, allowing you to feel more comfortable with yourself -- and learn more about a certain someone.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You will cast the deciding vote or play a crucial role in the day's major events. You might not feel up to the task, but if you can maintain a flexible posture and willingness to adapt, you will win big.
● Finances: You can't shake the sensation that someone is following you. Those phantom footsteps may be all in your head but the feeling they're originating from is all too real. Some big bills are coming up behind you. Cover your rear.
● Love: You're all ready to leap before you look, and tonight may find you even antsier. Test the waters just a tiny bit, though, before you plunge in. You don't want 'em to be too shallow!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You have to take care of the small stuff before turning to the rest. So forget about that board meeting or strategic planning session -- focus like a laser beam on the paperwork sitting on your desk.
● Finances: Keeping active is important. Even if you're doing busy work, it's better than sitting around wondering and waiting. It all pays off in the end, one way or another, so do your best to come up with worthwhile activities today.
● Love: Boredom is the enemy of your heart right now, so be sure to keep engaged. Try a good book, some challenging art, an in-depth discussion or -- best of all -- integrating several options.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Let your coworkers and select clients know exactly how you feel about the current situation. You feel a new source of strength and a new desire for openness in communication, and others are ready to join your cause.
● Finances: You don't have any extra fat in your budget to discard. That's okay, because you have no emergencies to handle today. Just be sure to be economical in all you do, from spending right down to conversation. If it's not important, save your breath.
● Love: If you feel like someone's giving you the romantic run-around, it's definitely time to cut to the chase. Your patience can only last so long, and a straightforward question lets you save some of it for later.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: If your supervisors value your eccentricity for the energy it brings, you'll move forward quickly. An odd discovery sets you out even further from the mainstream, but in a relatively good way.
● Finances: It felt for a while as if your entire financial life was put on the back burner, but now it's sizzling again. You're out of practice and might even have forgotten about the anxiety that goes with success, but it feels good to sweat after all this time.
● Love: On days like this, a little spark can create a major conflagration. Talk to strangers, crash a party, go out dancing -- you know how to engage with your world in a fiery, fun way.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Impress your clients or peers with your newfound gift for blarney. It won't last forever, but you will be able to mesmerize just about anyone by picking the words they want to hear.
● Finances: You are underwhelmed. In fact, it's hard to come up with anything at all to do. You're almost longing for the days of being so busy you could hardly think straight. Almost, but not quite. Enjoy the break.
● Love: If you've got a variety of social options, why choose just one? Keep your agenda flexible and check out some different scenes -- and new people. Tantalize them with just a glimpse of your greatness.