Free Daily Horoscope - March 28 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Although the new direction you're taking might surprise you (and everyone around you), things will start looking up almost immediately. You are about due for a burst of innovation, and it should strike by the end of the day.
● Finances: You're falling for the red herring. The real problem is staring you in the face but you're not seeing it. Don't throw any money into solutions until you figure out what the real issue actually is.
● Love: Someone in your group -- or maybe just one degree removed -- has something to offer in the way of romance now. Maybe it's an introduction to something -- or someone -- new. Find out.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You can see that the proposed revisions are much more radical than they initially appeared, though it may take you a while to explain yourself. Resistance to change is often seen as fear, but in your case, it's more like common sense.
● Finances: There are people all around you who feel your pain -- or who would if you shared it with them. As the financial landscape changes, so do the emotional aches and pains of those affected by it. Open up. The comfort you receive will be priceless.
● Love: Sometimes you feel like being social, sometimes you don't -- and if you're not feeling it, definitely take some down time. Your friends or that date will understand, and you'll likely love relaxing around your pad.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Things should start to click once you've expanded your worldview because it's about introducing new ideas and perspectives into your professional life. To gain a new point of view, bring in a fresh pair of eyes to look over the situation.
● Finances: Your reputation can be harmed or changed for the better today, depending on how you play your cards. What you were dealt isn't as important as how you handle yourself. Keep your cool and treat everyone with dignity.
● Love: Sure, it's your prerogative to change your mind, but if you're flip-flopping wildly, you may need to truly examine your deepest emotions. The stars say somebody -- you know who -- will be a big help.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your mind is perfectly suited to tackle potential financial problems today -- cash-flow issues will dominate the day's discussions. Try not to worry too much: assume that the best-case scenario will play out.
● Finances: Your mind cannot be contained. Simply doing your job is not enough for you. Let yourself wander to more enjoyable and exciting territory because you won't be able to stay focused and present no matter how hard you try.
● Love: Yes, sure, opposites attract, but if you're not getting any emotional feedback to speak of, you're not gonna be happy. How about a direct question? At the very least, you'll clarify your path.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You might not realize it yet, but you are on the verge of making a breakthrough that will improve productivity. So if things haven't been working out lately, it's time to try something radically different.
● Finances: You know enough to not invest in the first sparkly, shiny opportunity of the day, but you don't know enough -- at least just yet -- to decide what to actually do with your money. Keep it in your tight, sweaty fist until you are sure.
● Love: If you're finding yourself getting attached to a certain someone before you really even know them, apply those emotional brakes a bit. Rose-colored glasses are great; a truly rosy reality is even better.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You might be misinterpreted as being harsher than you intended, so be careful with your language today, especially if you are in a position of authority or providing a review. Remember, once it's said, you can't take it back.
● Finances: You're tearing people apart today, just for sport. You'll find, though, that you're the one left in tatters when all is said and done. Treat others as if they were more precious to you than money, and don't let yourself be so critical.
● Love: Love's road is full of twists and turns, and now's a very good time to let go of the steering wheel and throw your hands in the air like you just don't care. Relax, have fun and see where it goes!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Whatever happens today, you are likely to come out in front, thanks to your ability to get out and ahead of the curve. You are having tons of fun with your new project, client, or just the same old gang.
● Finances: When it comes to big displays of beauty, you can let others have them. You're more focused on the beauty life offers up naturally than you are on any manmade ostentation. The smaller things are infinitely more valuable to you today than the big ones.
● Love: Interactions have a special sparkle when you're involved right now. Flirt a little -- why not? If you can flaunt your smarts while you're at it (which are extra sparkling now, too), even better.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Avoid creating dissonance among your peers today. You will feel the urge to rearrange or reorganize, but you can expect resistance from almost all sides. It's better to lay the groundwork on the sly and then surprise your team.
● Finances: You're quite the magician today. You can pull a rabbit or make a bill disappear by snapping your fingers. You know which one you'll be doing, too. Rabbits are cute but it's the ugly things in life you're eager to address.
● Love: Family (or someone who feels close enough) figures prominently now. When it comes to your love life, they may have input for you. Do consider it seriously for the insight it may contain.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: It's a great time to bolster existing relationships. You should reach out to someone you've been putting off or trying to figure out because right now you are in a good position to forge a tight connection with them.
● Finances: Don't expect to get very high or very far today. Plodding along is about all you can hope for. But that's certainly better than nothing, and once you get going, you'll find a nice, steady pace to your activities.
● Love: You've got a particular knack for drawing people out now -- uncovering the unique things about them as well as what's important to them. Coincidentally (or not!), they're finding you fascinating.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Someone close will sort things out before you can move, which may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Larger financial issues will dominate your thinking today, though you may not feel the need to take immediate action.
● Finances: You feel connected with others even if they aren't anywhere near you. That's because you're more intuitive than usual today. That helps you in myriad ways, and deciding what to do with your money is not the least of them.
● Love: Don't get bent out of shape if a certain situation doesn't pan out or if plans fall through -- it's bound to happen sometimes. Forget the spilled milk, and move on to another more exciting beverage!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You're in the driver's seat and you're looking for the on-ramp to that promotion. It might be lateral or straight up, but you are in a very good position to make a jump in your career and it will be easy to convince people you are the right one for the job.
● Finances: Don't fall back on your old, bad habits. Overspending is tempting but you'd be entering treacherous territory if you do. Keep your wallet home today, and let someone else pump up the economy.
● Love: Whatever you're excited about is contagious now -- the right people will love hearing about it, witnessing your enthusiasm and sharing it with you. If you're feeling it, don't hold back!
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Don't worry too much about what you can and can't work out right now -- leave those concerns to others. Life is getting more interesting around the workplace, and your ideas are contributing to that new atmosphere.
● Finances: Assisting others is satisfying but you have to take care of yourself today. You don't have to lavish yourself with luxuries or treat yourself like royalty, but you do have to put your own needs before anyone else's for a change.
● Love: Everybody wants someone else to make the first move, which can result in a real love impasse. Go on, break the ice! The more you do it, the easier it gets. Be bold and be romantically rewarded!