Free Daily Horoscope - January 8 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Past thoughts surround you like a productivity-killing mist. You may be tempted to indulge in them and do as little as possible, but that would be a huge mistake. Shooting yourself in the foot will definitely burst your bubble.
● Finances: If you wanted to cry uncle, you certainly wouldn't be the first one to do so. But it would be a first for you, and that's all that matters. Let the mere specter of failure reignite your sense of ambition.
● Love: Cupid's got some funny stuff up his sleeve, so expect some curveballs, pratfalls and/or romantic dead ends. What's key is to be ready to dust yourself off, laugh it off and keep having fun regardless.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: It's all about finessing your time management skills. Pay careful attention to what needs to be finished today and what can wait until next week. That will clear up a lot of confusion and speed up your productivity, so you can start your weekend early.
● Finances: Every single purchase matters to you now. You no longer throw your money at this or that based on your whims. A hard sell like you deserves some credit and you're getting it, in the form of a good buy. Shopping around pays handsomely.
● Love: Your coupled-up friends may be great, but the company of those in the same boat is what really gets it rockin' right about now. Go out and about with some other smokin' singletons!
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Be grateful you have a job right now -- dreaming about changing careers is just a waste of time. Make the changes you need right in your own office instead. A bit of creativity goes a long way, so start by thinking outside the cubicle.
● Finances: It's hard to hear unsolicited advice, much less take it, but even though someone is talking out of turn, they have something valuable to tell you. Try to keep an open mind about what they have to say, even while you resent them for saying it.
● Love: If you're mingling romance and work (or considering such a mingling), proceed with even more than the usual caution now. Think ahead, and get a level headed, objective friend to help you do so!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Spend your energy today tackling big-ticket items and irritating loose ends. If you think letting your mind wander is a good use of your day, then you really are daydreaming. Snap out of it -- the sooner the better.
● Finances: If you tend to blurt things out without thinking, you need to be extra cautious today. You may want to limit the amount of time you spend around people altogether because you have a financial tip that you are just itching to spill. Make yourself take three deep breaths before saying anything.
● Love: Read 'em like a book -- it's easy for you to figure out what makes people tick now -- and what'll make them intrigued, what'll make them smile, and more. You've got a real advantage in the love department, so use it!
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Do your research before you make any huge career decisions right now. Someone is hoping you'll jump on a glittering new opportunity, but it's not really as golden as all that. You're likely to find the best options awaiting you in your old office chair.
● Finances: You've learned a lot over the course of the last two years and none of it has been fun. That's not to say it hasn't been valuable, though. Some things you just have to learn the hard way. You now know that having a good time isn't the end-all and be-all of your existence.
● Love: Matters of the heart may be a bit murky at the moment; if you want clarity, you'll have to wait for things to settle a bit. Meanwhile, remain calm -- you've got a tendency to take things a little personally now.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Guess what? You're not the only one with good ideas worth considering, so stop with the I'm-better-than-you charade. Listening to colleagues is only the first step. Not being too critical of what you hear is the next.
● Finances: If you really don't want to share, then don't waste time imagining defending what's yours. Simply keep it out of sight and out of mind. The less information you divulge, the less material goods you have to divvy up. As long as it's fair, stay mum.
● Love: What should be straightforward is most likely not right now. When it comes to subtle (and possibly sticky) matters of the heart, well, roundabout's going to be the rule rather than the exception.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Progress doesn't exactly happen on its own. No wonder things are exactly as they were when you came into the office yesterday morning. Instead of trying to shoehorn five days of work in a few hours, create a workflow schedule for next week and stick to it.
● Finances: When it comes to relationships, money should be no object, but it is. You are completely out of steam. You can either spend time alone or energize yourself with an infusion of cash. Only you know which option makes more sense to you.
● Love: The recipe for a good day and a nice evening involves hoping and planning for 'good' and 'nice' rather than 'spectacular' and 'mind-blowing.' The stars say keep it low-key and you'll do fine now.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: It's really a bad day to stir up the dust with your boss. If you have words you'd like to exchange with him or her, sit on the impulse. Otherwise, you may say something that hits below, way below, the belt.
● Finances: You're being sucked dry helping others. Soon you won't have enough left to help yourself. Your so-called friends should be thinking about your needs as well as their own, but they're not. Things could get ugly soon if you don't start cutting them off.
● Love: It's pretty much your world right about now, so why not have your way with it? Romantic matters are favored, as is your ability to turn ideas into reality -- plus you're just darn hot.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Starting your day is merely the first problem you'll face. If your attitude going into the office sucks, it will only spiral down as the afternoon progresses. Regardless of how you feel this morning, slap a smile on your face, greet everyone, even your enemies, and act as if.
● Finances: If beauty is in the eye of the beholder then so is cuteness. Whether you're being childish or childlike doesn't really matter as much as the fact that you're not being the adult. Taking care of financial matters should trump whatever immature pastimes you feel like pursuing today.
● Love: Specifics aren't your strong suit at the moment, so if you've got plans with a date or a friend, double-check the details. If you don't annoy them by being really late, they'll love hearing about your latest big idea.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Every day can't be this harmonious, so be sure to make the most of the good vibrations. You and colleagues are like notes in a symphony, and working together is like making beautiful music.
● Finances: A lot of things have had to be put on the back burner until the economy heats up again. You've postponed about as much as you can, but one thing that shouldn't be put off another second is having some fun. You deserve it. Consider it a prescription that you can't afford to not fill.
● Love: Getting out and seeing some art or hearing some music -- or an offbeat production that combines the two -- not only suits your current astrological state, it gives you an instant conversation starter while you're there!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Pilfering office supplies sounds like a good idea, but it's ultimately stealing. So ask yourself, is a pack of paper clips worth your job? Probably not. Find a more productive outlet for your felonious inclinations.
● Finances: Everyone around you thinks their ideas are so advanced that you could benefit from hearing all about them. You understand instantly why they are not financially feasible, but don't let on. You'd only be wasting your breath and an opportunity to be amused.
● Love: Your personal energy's directed inward and your emotional resources are dialed down. If you've got a date or other big plans, be sure to do something balancing and energizing beforehand.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You're suddenly enjoying being of service, so go ahead and indulge that altruistic spirit. Doing something for colleagues is actually doing something for yourself, in more than just the karmic sense.
● Finances: Not only are you lost in a maze, but you have a devoted following counting on you to get them out safely. They are either a heavy burden or incentive to keep searching for the way out, depending on how you look at it at any given moment.
● Love: Dang! You're looking and feeling way, way better than average if the stars have their say. Enjoy a balanced day -- work, exercise, a treat -- and enjoy the attention you're getting. It'll only increase tonight!