Free Daily Horoscope - January 14 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You and your coworkers are totally excited about one or two new recent ideas that haven't yet drifted upstairs. Try to talk these projects up at any opportunity, especially when a supervisor is around -- and make sure you secure a spot on the development team.
● Finances: Most of what you want to say is based on rote, not on understanding. Think about it for a while before you attempt to explain your position. If you find that it's not really your own after all, then don't bother reaching for your wallet.
● Love: You're thinking fast and talking even faster -- even you might be surprised by some of the things that come out of your mouth. It's an ideal state for rapid-fire witty repartee with someone attractive, so get out there.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Whatever it is that you are presenting will be received well, thanks to your strong beliefs. Now is the time to meet with supervisors -- or even new potential employers -- and make your case.
● Finances: Being reckless may feel good at the moment but it doesn't pay. That goes without saying. And yet being cautious doesn't really feel right, either. Your best bet today could be to do nothing with your money that involves making up your mind one way or the other today.
● Love: The stars say it's time to blow off some steam -- and that your rambunctious energy, in the right setting, could have some steamy effects on others. How about going out dancing or seeing some revved-up live music?
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Consult with your peers before making any big decisions right now. Things are really good for you and your business, and it's a great time to rethink your priorities now that you have the luxury to do so.
● Finances: You're not content to watch the dust motes dance in the sunlight but that's about the only movement in sight. At least it's easy to stay within budget with things as stagnant as they are. They'll pick up soon enough. Until then, resign yourself to not having much going on.
● Love: Flirt much? Why the heck not? You've got a way with winning words, not to mention contagious laughter, smoldering looks and touches that are full of all sorts of implications (and electricity!).
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: People's heads are harder than concrete right now, so don't be surprised if it's more of a struggle than usual to deal with clients or coworkers. Though personality conflicts are not to blame, it will be difficult for people to express their feelings.
● Finances: What you're doing with your money is relatively tame, but it feels wild and crazy to you. Being a risk taker is more appealing than being conservative today. That's good for your soul but not necessarily your wallet, so watch out.
● Love: Direct communication is the best kind right now, and you'll need to come out of your shell a bit to be really effective. Give a sincere compliment. Extend a casual invitation. Ask for what you want.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Try to take in a lot of viewpoints. Even if you've just made an impassioned plea for one side of an issue, you might still change your mind. It all depends on whom you speak with in the afternoon.
● Finances: You have a unique take on your finances. Someone looks impressed with you as they hear all about it, but that's just a cover for their eagerness to try it out with their own money. There's plenty to go around, so don't entertain those pangs of possessiveness.
● Love: A sidekick or wing person is super now -- you can look to them to help you with flirtation decision-making. And if you can put together a whole posse, you'll all have exponentially more fun!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Your analytical powers are strong, and you might end up seeing new solutions where others had seen only dead ends or dangers. It is a good time to think things out all the way and bounce ideas off others.
● Finances: You can't afford to let work issues jeopardize your performance. It's a dog eat dog world out there and you need to prove your worth each and every day. But wait, you already operate on that assumption, whether it's true or not. You finally get to put all of those preparatory mental exercises to good use.
● Love: That mind of yours is working so fast, you might just neglect the emotional component of certain equations. It's important! Take the time to allow your feelings to develop, and factor them in too.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Even if you've had troubles with it in the past, multitasking will be easy for you now. A side benefit will be an additional capacity to take on new work, which should please everyone involved.
● Finances: Your good energy makes you restless. That's okay because you were done thinking anyway. You've got lots of things to act on now so don't hesitate to get a move on. Every moment at rest is a dollar wasted.
● Love: You might just find yourself whispering in someone's ear. You could end up spilling one of your heart's closely guarded secrets to a complete stranger. Or you may find out exactly what you need to know.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You will need a hefty amount of advice to deal with the weird challenges that are sure to come your way today. So seek out sage wisdom and listen to as many sensible people as you can find throughout the day.
● Finances: Like a recovering gambler, you're always tempted just a little. But the pot of gold at the end of this particular rainbow has too many warning signs to miss. You may think about it for a minute or two but you won't even reach for your wallet.
● Love: Thinking about a romantic gamble? How much are you willing to lose? Maybe there's a way to accomplish what you want without this kind of game-playing. How about a straightforward approach?
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Customers will be civil or even nice, new projects will offer just the right level of challenge, and coworkers will stay out of your way. The day will be filled with activity, but it shouldn't wear you out.
● Finances: You love controlling the purse strings on a normal day, but this isn't a normal day. You wish someone else was taking care of the finances for a change. Don't let the wish turn into a reality, though, or you'll be losing more than control of the spending.
● Love: Your optimism is admirable, but to promote growth in your love life now, you'll want to take a close look at pertinent people and situations. See things as they are, and positive steps are easy to perceive.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Profits may not be everything, but you should be able to make them count. If you're being financially innovative and saving the company money, now's a great time to show the people who write your paychecks just how valuable you are to them.
● Finances: Don't beat around the bush today. Every minute wasted delaying the inevitable is that much more money down the drain. Once you accept what you have to do, it will be that much easier to deliver the blow.
● Love: If the social chitchat is getting on your nerves, why not introduce a controversial topic? You might find some meaningful common ground, or you may just provoke a telling (and possibly hot) debate.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Communication and connections of all sorts will work to your advantage now. Relationships with clients and customers will be especially solid, and you may find yourself entering into new partnerships without even realizing it.
● Finances: Sparks are flying, but not in the usual way. You are making connections on all levels, from the cerebral right on down to your toes. Your wallet falls somewhere along the way so be ready for some inspired buying.
● Love: Go where the brains are -- a political event, a lecture, a museum tour, you get the picture. Your intellect's on fire, and if you add in another source of hot ideas, you can burn the town down.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: What a difference a few days make! A few days back, you swore you'd never get back on a horse. And look at you now -- you're right back in the saddle. You thrive on the activity going on around you, and you'll be in your element at the office today.
● Finances: It's not a good day to be shuffling your money around, simply because you're feeling too overwhelmed for that kind of thinking. You're better off leaving it all where it is, even if it's losing money, than making the kinds of stabs in the dark that are all you are capable of today.
● Love: It's more about continuing your explorations now than it is about claiming your territory or staking your turf. Stay open to all of love's possibilities -- they're certainly open to you.