Free Daily Horoscope - December 31 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Don't be surprised if you go up against some serious subliminal heavy business right now. The mood outside the office is light and sunny, but inside, it's like a witch's coven. Ignore the negativity and mind your own business.
● Finances: Your drive for success has been disconnected. In fact, you have no drive whatsoever. A day in front of the TV is your idea of exertion. As long as you don't have a slow leak of money, there is no reason to feel guilty for not being productive.
● Love: Don't force anything romantic right now. Leave yourself an emergency exit just in case things burst into flames. Poke around in the embers without throwing any gas on the fire -- remember, safety first.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Spend a few moments at the beginning of the day to review your personal and professional objectives for the end of this week and into next. You don't take enough opportunities to assess where you're going in this life -- it's time to do it more often.
● Finances: You don't need a deep understanding of life to feel like you are wise. All you need to do is be alive. You feel like there is nothing you can't understand if you put your mind to it. You may not put your mind to it today, but that doesn't detract from feeling enlightened.
● Love: The message is in the method. Does this situation call for a face-to-face conversation, or will a text or email do the trick? Don't be afraid to pick up the phone. As long as you keep your side of the street clean, you're golden.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Budget cuts are inevitable, so if you've never had to cut back before, make an adventure of it -- consider it a foray into unknown fields. You would love to splurge, but you have to be more calculating than usual right now.
● Finances: You're not sure what the right course of action is but there is no one right way to spend your day. You have to try one thing and then another before knowing for sure. So don't agonize unnecessarily over plans.
● Love: You're headed for a fantastic day. Don't hold back. Leap into your life with zest and vigor. This is the best time to overcome procrastination and tackle a long-planned project. The stars will make sure you get off on the right foot.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Take your awe and delight to higher levels but be extra cautious around anything you're unsure of. Emotional intensity doesn't have to signal imminent upheaval. In fact, it's a great time to welcome a change of pace.
● Finances: Problems at home are getting as extreme as problems with your finances. And as hard as it is to imagine, they are even more complicated and time-consuming to fix. The only thing you can do to minimize the damage is to be as clear as possible when communicating.
● Love: This whole thing that came about as a whim has worked out nicely for you. Expect another off-the-cuff situation sometime today. Remember: Don't over think it. Just follow your gut and go with the flow.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: If you take a look around your office, you'll see there are no more deep issues to be dealt right now. Nurturing your family is your top priority now and you can't do it from afar -- so if you can, leave the office early today.
● Finances: Arrogance is not all bad. You can pull off some amazing things with the right dose of chutzpah. As long as you keep things in perspective your enthusiasm shouldn't damage the way others see you, or your own sense of self-respect, either.
● Love: The stars support organization right now. Even you must admit, your life's a little scattered. Start by updating your online profile, and then tackle that pile of mail on the counter. You'll feel great when it's done.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Leave all of your more calculating, common-sense ways in the office when you close the door for the day. Your emotions are your driving force right now, and your intuition is even stronger. Take advantage of it!
● Finances: Meeting someone new is always a healthy ambition, as long as you keep your priorities straight. You don't want to start chasing a pot of gold at the end of any old rainbow you see. Remember that most promises are empty ones.
● Love: Don't be afraid to assert yourself today. If you want to know where you stand with a certain person, ask them. You're too effervescent and vivacious to let anyone undermine your confidence.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Unless you're particularly crafty, you'll have to adjust your budget accordingly. Face it, money changes hands whether you're paying attention or not. You don't have to go too deep, but don't be stingy.
● Finances: Your flush times are further and further behind you. Soon they will be but a speck on the horizon. That's fine, actually, because your nostalgia is keeping you from succeeding in the present. The less you see of your former glory, the better.
● Love: Everyone's chomping at the bit to go home, but not all's well at the office. If some late-breaking drama unfolds, stay out of it. You don't want bitter feelings and negative energy following you afterward.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: If the next few days stretching in front of you seem dismal, it's time to pick up the phone, call some fun people and get out of the office. Muster some self-confidence, then watch your social gauge move up -- you just need a little mental stimulation.
● Finances: It takes all the willpower you have to keep yourself from arguing with those around you. Getting along with others still pays off big time, so force yourself to be polite. Remind yourself how much is at stake. Bite your tongue if you have to.
● Love: You aspire to reach a new goal -- either spiritually, emotionally or both. Explore ideas out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to try yoga, meditation, even therapy. Keep an open mind and the opportunities will come your way.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You may want to be alone today, and who can blame you? This season has been so far a socially and professionally intense time for you. Even ten minutes to yourself can be the shot in the arm you need to face the rest of the week.
● Finances: You've been so focused on money that you've lost sight of all the other valuable things life has to offer. An entire universe of art is behind a single closed door. Open it and your life will be enriched. Ignore it and you will remain impoverished, no matter how much money you earn.
● Love: This situation in front of you could be the greatest opportunity ever or a half-baked scheme. The outcome depends on your approach and attention to detail. If something resonates your instinct negatively, back out immediately.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: What gives? Everyone's acting as if they had way too much to do. Obviously, nobody's interested in stepping up to the social plate, so it's your responsibility to get this party started. Why not plan an office potluck come Friday?
● Finances: You don't have the stamina to go on. That is until you see how well your little plan is working. That gives you a renewed sense of optimism and excitement to tackle your goals. Your bottom line will impress others, but more importantly, it will impress you.
● Love: A close relationship just isn't what it seems. Something heavy and intense might be going on under the surface, so pay attention to the nuances. Read between the lines and uncover the message.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: The big push has ended, that project is over and things have finally settled down. Phew -- you thought it'd never end. Now that you have some time on your hands, try to make yourself socially useful.
● Finances: No one is putting any restrictions on you other than yourself. You control the purse strings, but are you willing to take on all the burdens involved with that responsibility? If not, hand your wallet to someone else for the day.
● Love: Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone today. Arrange a date with that exotic certain someone or hit the new hot spot. Just remember, you're not committed to anything. That's the great thing about being you.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Everything seems sort of fuzzy and complicated right now. Make sure that's because of a convoluted business deal and not your social calendar. But whatever the reason, don't sign any legal documents until things are clearer.
● Finances: You're helping people around you by modeling responsible spending. Pretend you have an audience every minute of the day, even when you don't. It will help you control your own finances.
● Love: You have a message on your cell. It's from that certain someone, but don't respond right away. Let the suspense build while the good energy flows through you. By the end of the day, you're filled with passion and a ready-for-anything attitude.