Free Daily Horoscope - November 6 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Communication is everything, especially if you feel a project has gone awry. Don't be afraid to check in with staffers and refine the schedule during your off hours. Your coworkers may prove surprisingly receptive to your suggestions.
● Finances: Money is great but it's not worth your soul. Using people to get ahead financially will just leave you rich on the outside and impoverished on the inside. You're staring at moral bankruptcy. You have what it takes to go toe to toe and come out victorious. Don't give in to temptation.
● Love: Set out to have a solo adventure, and you never know who you might meet. Go to a place where like-minded individuals can be found -- a cool cafe, an art gallery, your favorite gourmet shop -- and shop around.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Keep the upper hand and you're sure to come out ahead -- just don't bow down in a power struggle with a coworker. Brown nosers are definitely not welcome here.
● Finances: It's time to come at a problem from a different angle. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again but expecting a different outcome, then you're coming dangerously close to fitting the description. Take a deep breath and find new ways to make money or shave it from your budget.
● Love: Be cautious when it comes to romantic matters. If there's something you can't quite pinpoint that doesn't seem right, now's not the time to press forward regardless. If it's worth it, it can wait.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Incremental changes will lead to improvements now, so don't rely on an upheaval to fix the situation. You'll have to take things more slowly if you want to get your coworkers on board.
● Finances: Don't let yourself get all paranoid about your money. If anyone has a hidden agenda, it's you. All of your plotting and scheming is skewing the way you interpret the motivations of others. On the flip side, if you put in some old-fashioned hard work to get ahead, the entire world will look safe and welcoming to you.
● Love: Opposites may be extra attractive now, so be open to unusual types and use your versatile smarts to find out more about them. A few open-ended questions could end up in sweet agreement.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Make a solid offer, but don't promise more than you can deliver. The fate of a project or investment is in the hands of your customers or clients.
● Finances: Going from one extreme to the other is wearing thin. From poor to rich was a fun ride but the other way around was a bit rough. You're starting to think that middle of the road is the way to go. Make finding that financial balance your first priority.
● Love: If a coworker's asking for a few too many details about your love life, well, there's no reason you have to answer. Smile mysteriously and rush off to a 'meeting,' even if it's just with your next cup of coffee.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You have too much going on right now, so keep your focus. Try a new approach to the same old routine -- it'll help. If you're not careful, the tedium of day-to-day tasks will drain your energy.
● Finances: You already know what you want. It's knowing how to get it that's a problem. Listening to little clues on the wind is a romantic image but it won't get you the money you need. That's about as effective as hoping for a pot of gold under a rainbow. Start looking into old fashioned hard work and sweat equity to fund your desires.
● Love: You make looking for love look easy -- and tremendously fun. Maybe it's because you're being your fabulous self and feeling friendly with the world rather than seeking any specific thing.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: No one will blame you for refusing to take on more than you can reasonably handle -- if you're not supposed to go in today, then don't. It's fine to seek responsibility, but don't hesitate to delegate if you're feeling overwhelmed.
● Finances: Hard work pays the bills, but if you're doing what you love then it's like being paid twice. Satisfaction is its own reward. If you once loved your job then you're starting to realize that the romance is finally back. It makes every workday a good day instead of a day in purgatory. Enjoy.
● Love: Love is refusing to go by your schedule now, which can be rather frustrating -- if you let it be. But if you set your agenda aside and go with the flow -- or better yet, take a risk -- you may get a big, beautiful surprise.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Deadlines are less important than getting it right, especially when the bottom line is at stake. So if you need this day to decompress, do it. And don't skimp on the fine print, even if someone is breathing down your neck.
● Finances: You are in uncharted waters. There is no real authority when it comes to the issues you're grappling with. Even though money is involved, remind yourself that you already know the basics of right and wrong. It shouldn't be all that hard to apply them to reaching the bottom line.
● Love: You may have some pretty big ideas about what you want from romance now, and good for you. Keeping them in mind -- and exploring them further -- makes it all the more likely you'll locate them.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Figure out an exciting way to get your point across. After all, people respond better when you take a creative approach. Even if you have to dig into your own pocket to make it happen, it'll be worth it in the end.
● Finances: When it comes to breaking out of the rat race, you have plenty of good ideas. All you need is the confidence to start acting on them. You get a small push in the right direction today. It's an almost imperceptible nudge between the shoulder blades, from the universe to you. If you make good use of it, you'll be on your way.
● Love: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is -- heed the instinct that's telling you not to get too excited before you know more. Use your powers of investigation to confirm or deny that gut feeling.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Stick with your grueling schedule for now. Don't worry so much about what others are doing and avoid getting frustrated if you're shouldering more than your fair share. The extra hours will pay off soon.
● Finances: You have the opposite of the Midas touch. You can spend a fortune on just about anything. Even the old standby of making your own lunch turns into an exercise in gourmet food when in your hands. Money flows like water on even the simplest things. Sigh.
● Love: You're likely extra happy-go-lucky at the moment, and it looks very good on you. Take your fine self out and about exploring, with a wing friend or solo, and keep an eye out for a lucky connection.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Who knew things could go this smoothly? For once, everything seems to be going exactly as planned. Orders arrive on time, schedules are met, and everyone knows exactly what they need to do.
● Finances: You're going down your checklist of personal accomplishments, but you're still feeling restless and dissatisfied. That's okay, because that feeling is what motivates you to accomplish even more. If your plan is to move in a positive direction then your plans are working even if your feelings are negative.
● Love: It may suddenly become clear that part of your romantic ideals just aren't realistic. Do you want to hold onto that abstract perfection or find a real-deal romance, shortcomings and all?
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Don't be afraid to get specific. In fact, use your downtime to hone your pitch. Whether you're asking for a raise or pushing for a new assignment, the important thing is being clear about what you want.
● Finances: By their very nature your subliminal issues are unknowable. But do know that they are pushing you in the right direction every minute of every day. So if you're not sure why you do what you do, don't fight the mysterious feeling. Just be relieved that whatever their source, your baggage is just the right kind of ballast.
● Love: Getting involved with a group of people who believe in a cause you're passionate about could well lead to other sorts of passion. Get political, explore the arts or volunteer for the greater good.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: No one will fault you for being a smart negotiator, so don't trust offers that seem too good to be true. Ask the tough questions now, and you won't get stuck paying the price later.
● Finances: It goes without saying you get paid for something. As they say, money doesn't grow on trees. But you're helping in ways that don't involve any pay at all, even though money is part of the equation. The benefits are a happy byproduct of whatever you do today.
● Love: A mysterious silence suits you at the moment -- especially since if you do talk, you're prone to babble. Try communicating with a smile, body language, and eye contact; it's amazing what you can say without a word.