Free Daily Horoscope - November 4 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Don't let pushy people convince you to accept anything less than the best. If you're not sure about the fine print, don't sign. Nothing's final until it has your approval.
● Finances: It's time to get out and do some exploring of the wide world. You don't have to spend money to do it, either. You don't need backpacks or canteens or trail mix. Urban hiking fits the bill, as does simply poking around the back room. And when it comes to your financial paperwork, there's a lot you've yet to discover.
● Love: If you're sensing something weird between you and a certain someone, don't get mad or try to get even. Figure out what's really happening first -- then figure out how you really feel about it.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: The bigger the change, the more staunch the opposition, so be prepared to be stonewalled when making the case for a new proposal or project.
● Finances: You might not be the most charming person on the planet, but you have the powers of a snake charmer when it comes to all things financial. You can't have everything, now can you? Use your success in monetary matters as an inner boost of your confidence during your social encounters.
● Love: Some ups and downs are on the way, and while you may prefer the same old, same old in some ways, you've got to admit that this is more interesting. And -- bonus! -- there are more possibilities now.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Today's a great time to go over financial details. Is everything jibing between accounts payable and accounts receivable? If you find any discrepancies, remedy them immediately.
● Finances: Being the authoritarian is a lot of fun, for about five minutes. After that, it gets a bit old. You get to be both the cat and the mouse today and you have a good idea which role gets the longer run. The only thing you need to remain rigid about is your spending.
● Love: Healthy is sexy, so put some effort into eating right and getting a little exercise -- and resist burning the candle at both ends. Who knows? You could meet someone interesting in the organics section!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Leadership is about choosing the best solution for the money. Budgetary considerations may force you to decide between two crucial choices. That's why people look to you for answers.
● Finances: You definitely need a boost, but you don't have to spend any money to get it. Your energy should be flowing instead of your cash, so work on finding just the right way to nurture yourself. You'll know you're onto something if it's cheap or free.
● Love: Apply the same shrewdness you'd use in a work situation to a matter of the heart. If you can put your feelings aside for a moment, you'll have a much clearer perspective -- and the right idea about what to do next.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You know how important this is; all you have to do is make a compelling case. That's why your sterling communication skills will make all the difference when you're pitching something with budgetary implications.
● Finances: Don't waste your money on things that are only skin deep. The more fun you have, the more attractive you are. And the more attractive you are, the easier it is for romance to blossom. Nothing that costs money can create the boundless energy that comes only from the heart.
● Love: Sometimes asking too many questions is rude, but when it comes to romance, you really ought to know what you're getting into. Go ahead and use your charming interrogation tactics.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Delegate some tasks to others, so you can keep all the balls moving forward. You don't have to implement every aspect of every project yourself -- the details will work themselves out on their own.
● Finances: Some days it's easy to save money, but other days you have to force yourself. Today you're gritting your teeth and clenching your fists to keep from reaching for your wallet. Don't let yourself forget how important your family's financial future is. All else pales in comparison.
● Love: Your brain's working away on a matter of the heart, and you may not be particularly inclined to listen to someone else's point of view. Interrupt your processing for just a moment, though, and consider what they're saying.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: You'll never get what you want unless you ask. After all, you've spent long enough doing more than your share. Time to let someone else pick up the slack.
● Finances: You're particularly expressive when it comes to money matters. Blowing your stack comes to mind. There are other ways to show your concern, though, so try being a bit more intellectual than usual about handling your feelings. The responses you get will be much better.
● Love: How's your fear factor? If you're feeling a little extra self-protective and not entirely willing to put yourself out there, try to determine why this might be. It's not necessarily a bad thing if it's temporary.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: This may be exactly the motivation you've been looking for, especially if you're experiencing some dissatisfaction in your current job situation. But don't despair -- something great is coming to fruition.
● Finances: Just because everyone else is buying something doesn't mean you will. You're over keeping up with the Joneses. The enthusiasm of other people could sweep you along, but not when money is involved. For all things financial, you're cautious about taking any risks.
● Love: The stars are sending some burning-hot energy your way -- so what are you going to do with it? If you're smart (and there's no question about that), you'll check out new romantic options both online and real-time.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Everyone is counting on you -- it's time to deliver. Take the lead on a new venture around the office and your boss is sure to notice your efforts. Don't drop the ball once it starts rolling, though.
● Finances: An unexpected chunk of change feels like a windfall, but it's really your own hard earned cash, way overdue. Still, it brings on all the good feelings that finding a ten-dollar bill in the pocket of your jeans does. Enjoy the rush, and the spending.
● Love: Your dreams have something to say about your love life now. Concentrate on remembering them as you drift off, or try a little self-guided meditation. Your imagination is an extremely powerful thing.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: You have the power in a contentious situation, so don't relinquish it. Your best bet? Nip that office rivalry in the bud before the other person gains the upper hand.
● Finances: Being idealistic is a charming quality. It makes people think you're rather childlike and innocent. You're not, though. You know when it's time to be practical. That means understanding the exact moment to jump ship or the exact moment to pounce. It may shock others -- but do what you've got to do and without hesitation.
● Love: Leave it to you to do a detailed calculation of pros, cons, risks and benefits when it comes to a potentially romantic situation. Yes, your objectivity is impressive, but be sure to let your heart weigh in as well.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: The stronger your image, the more you stand to gain. Word of mouth is your biggest selling point right now, and your reputation for service precedes you.
● Finances: You don't want to burn your bridges by overreacting to financial news. Keep a lid on it until you have more information. For now, just enjoy being with friends who share your values. Don't let yourself stew about anything you can deal with directly tomorrow.
● Love: You may currently be more concerned with getting ahead at work than with making progress in your love life. Regardless of your priorities, some intriguing new connections are coming your way soon.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Caution is the wisest option, and bandwagons are for followers, not leaders. The latest trend may be short-lived, so give it time before you jump on board.
● Finances: Pay attention to the sources of your anxiety, not just the anxiety itself. Sure, it's about money, but it's mostly about problems with someone at work. If that someone is your boss, then the best way to fix the problem is to remain calm and composed, even away from the job. Don't let worries get the better of you.
● Love: If you don't stand up for yourself, who will? You shouldn't feel funny about asking for -- and ultimately getting -- what you want. Saying 'no thanks' to a romantic situation that isn't quite right feels empowering.