Free Daily Horoscope - November 2 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: It's not your problem if coworkers fall behind. Progress is yours, so don't feel guilty if you want to move forward. Get ahead of the game and let others catch up with you.
● Finances: You like to keep to yourself when things go wrong. That makes perfect sense. But being introverted won't really help your emotions, much less your bank account. Get right back into the mix, and not slowly, either. It's the only way to renew your motivation.
● Love: There's a challenge coming your way in the love department, and knowing you, you're looking for a proactive way to handle it. But the stars say that simply putting the other person first yields best results now.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Make sure others are on board and ready to provide backup, especially if this proposal has budgetary implications. It's fine to experiment, but don't go too far off the beaten path without prior approval.
● Finances: Life can feel like an odd dream, where you're passionate about all the wrong things and swimming through a sea of moody souls. And that's just your waking life. The off-kilter vibe affects you deeply; don't be surprised if you find that your dreams mirror your day.
● Love: The kind of fun energy you've got going now makes even the same old stuff newly amusing. Maybe it's the fact that everyone's returning your smile -- and that you're meeting new people wherever you go.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: If warring managers are pulling you in different directions, you may have to forge your own path on this one. Come up with a winning strategy and they'll both step aside and let you lead.
● Finances: Slow down and take a deep breath. Getting excited about imaginary profits won't make them magically appear. It's time to do a bit more calculating. The numbers might not say what you want them to, but that is no reason to ignore them for the drama.
● Love: A busy day taking care of errands gives you a feeling of accomplishment -- and puts you in the mood to have some fun tonight. Check a couple things off your list and then plan to blow off some steam.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your logic is impeccable, but it may not be enough to prevent annoying delays in the implementation of a new policy or procedure. Don't let a Johnny-come-lately buck the system.
● Finances: If being indecisive is uncomfortable for you, then just imagine the upheaval that the wrong decision could bring. Your indecision is telling you something important. Don't involve your money in anything that makes you wonder if you're doing the right thing. You most likely are not.
● Love: You're a master planner now, so why not be the social director for your crowd? Take 'em where the fun is -- and where the singletons among you are most likely to meet interesting new people.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: When you say you'll deliver, you deliver. That's why you'll stake your reputation on just about anything. Even when you don't spell out all the details, clients and coworkers know they can count on your word.
● Finances: Sometimes you're in hunter-gatherer mode and other times you just want to stay inside and take care of your family. Let someone else worry about bringing home the money today. You're too busy nurturing your loved ones to think about such a thing.
● Love: You're all about getting organized during the day, checking things off your 'to-do' list. If the stars have their say, though, tonight will be full of distinctly different, messier, more interesting and more delicious stuff.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Bring a trusted colleague into the fold, especially if you're feeling indecisive about a career move. This is one time when two heads are better than one. They may have been through a similar situation.
● Finances: It doesn't phase you when others tell you you're being unrealistic. Your emotions, not the opinions of others, are driving your gravy train. If they don't believe you when you say how sure you are of being on the express, that's their own folly.
● Love: The stars are sending fabulous energy your way during the day, so if you've got a date tonight, move it to an afternoon picnic or outing to the park. Tonight you can expect to have difficulty making up your mind.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: You're winning converts and vanquishing competitors with ease. Suddenly, victory seems so simple. This may be the beginning of a whole new way of doing things around here.
● Finances: You need to make some serious changes in your life, but money is only the easy part. Start there and work your way to deeper issues later. Cutting your spending and sticking to a budget will make you feel confident and competent to tackle your other problems.
● Love: Talk about a heat wave! You're burning hot now, igniting admiration and inflaming ardor wherever you go, no matter what the temperature. Look for the best candidates to fan those flames.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: There's no reason to speak up in a meeting if you don't have anything to say, so think before you offer an ill-considered idea or proposal. Let other, more seasoned veterans do the talking.
● Finances: In your inner visions of success, people are always drawn to you and your money. But is that really what you want for yourself? You'd only be attracting the worst kind of people. Work on separating your desire for wealth from your desire for admiration. You'll be richer for it.
● Love: Why not let that secret be known? Even if you're just discussing it with a close, trustworthy friend, not shouting it from the rooftops, you'll likely feel better about it -- and you'll be able to move brilliantly forward.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: A low profile works to your advantage now -- after all, no one likes a braggart. Even though you can't help that others are jealous of your success, you can be humble about your accomplishments.
● Finances: When you're too moody to get a move on, let your daydreams motivate you. Imagine wild success and all that goes with it. That will be the shot in the arm you need to keep on going, however, slow reaching your goal may really be.
● Love: Plan some solo activities for the daytime -- if you're around others, you may just feel like they're cramping your style. Tonight, however, you can be comfortably ensconced at the center of an admiring crowd.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: This isn't a power struggle, so take criticisms to heart, but don't take them personally. In fact, if you listen closely, you may turn a colleague's critique into your own bright and innovative proposal.
● Finances: It's impossible to get a detached view of friends and family, but you should be able to be objective when it comes to how they impact your budget. Organize all the details and then be prepared to spell it out for them. Remember, you're ultimately in charge of how much you spend and on whom.
● Love: You can certainly get a lot done during the day -- it is up to you whether that's chores and errands, or something more fun and flirty. Tonight you may encounter someone challenging -- will they get your goat?
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Don't reject any offers now -- you never know when they might come in handy. Besides, allies may be found in surprising corners. If you're going to implement any meaningful changes, you're going to need a partner.
● Finances: So far you've managed to float along rather well but now you're beginning to feel the pricks of ambition. You want more, and you want to earn it. There's nothing quite like the feelings that come with advancement due to a job well done. Enjoy the motivation.
● Love: Feeling secure in yourself means you can meet other people where they stand while trying on their perspective and creating new ideas together. The stars say you can reach this place now.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: If a supervisor is lurking around you today, don't sweat it: turn the attention to your advantage. Prove that you don't bend under pressure and they'll be more likely to trust your instincts in the future.
● Finances: You're not experiencing anything resembling upheaval, but you have some vague and fuzzy feelings that something is not right in your financial world. It shouldn't take the distant rumblings of volcanoes to jolt you to action. Start looking into the little tremors you are experiencing.
● Love: Your helpfulness is much appreciated now, whether you're offering to babysit for a couple of married friends or finessing introductions of the perfect two people. This kind of stuff comes back around!