Free Daily Horoscope - December 2 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: It's a good time to shut the door or leave the office and work on your own. Working from home would be perfect -- unless there are kids or neighbors who like to check in on you. Silence is golden.
● Finances: There is really no social blunder that can't be smoothed over with the right token of remorse. Roses are the archetypal way to apologize, but for the insensitivity you're addressing, the sky's the limit. Use your unique take on things to come up with a truly original and pioneering way to make amends.
● Love: You may get it in your head to start a little love project, but the stars say today's a better day to spend on yourself. Save the email flirtation for later, and lavish the sweetness in your own direction.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You have taken in a lot of information, much of which can be reorganized to help you understand your markets a little better. It will take a fair amount of time and mental energy, but it will be worth it.
● Finances: When it comes to financial risks, you can't back away fast enough. The same goes for social situations. In fact, you're better off in a cozy little bubble than you are going out and about today. Consider it a spa day and cut yourself off from contact with others.
● Love: Caution: A little moodiness may be coming your way. Ward off the downswings by pampering yourself. A nice dinner out may be in order or nesting with your slippers and a silly movie.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: It's likely that you will have some broad concerns about the state of your business when you come in to work, but the specifics of dealing with customers or projects will whittle them down to nothing.
● Finances: There can be too much of a good thing in your day. From the financial to the social, you should be wary of extremes. If you and the people you are in relationships with are coming at things as partners, then no one will feel the need to prove how great things are going. You should already know.
● Love: The dual nature of things, especially in the romantic arena, is never a surprise to you -- but even you may get a little overwhelmed by it now. Stop trying desperately to come to conclusions and just absorb it all.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: You've got to take a little extra care with your negotiations just now -- not that you usually slack off. There are some small details that might slip past your notice, but that will definitely be worth tracking down.
● Finances: Some things that get torn just can't be mended. Your energy flow is one of them. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise, you're not moving forward anymore. Don't bother with trying to patch things back together. It's time to start on a completely new course.
● Love: Follow your intuition when it comes to the motivations of others. What they say and what they really intend may not match up, but you're fully capable of seeing through it if you stay aware.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: It's a great time to pause and reconsider current strategic thinking. New patterns are forming around you, and you may be able to react swiftly and profitably if you're unburdened of old business.
● Finances: You might not have the same limitless supply of energy that you had when you were young, but you have acquired many other things to take its place. Your sharp tongue, for one. You won't mince words today when you read the numbers and don't like what you see. You know just how to make others spring to action.
● Love: Prepare to go from a mode of pure fun to a deeper (and perhaps far more intriguing) place. Share your feelings and let others help you look beneath the surface for important clues and insight.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You've got plenty to say, and almost too many people to contact in just one day. As tempting as it will be, try to avoid sending mass emails or calling meetings that should be done one-on-one.
● Finances: Instead of forcing yourself to accomplish tasks on your list, try to face the day with some joy and enthusiasm. They are your responsibilities, yes, and you won't be let off the hook for them, but that doesn't mean they have to be all drudgery. You can accomplish much more with a good attitude than you can through self-flagellation.
● Love: Don't let a minor setback dishearten you; just reconsider your expectations. Sometimes a little disappointment can be a catalyst in understanding a situation in a far better way.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: It's time to make a choice. You may need to pick between candidates or just colors of paint, but there's no more time left for pondering. Even if you have to flip a coin, go for it immediately.
● Finances: You've been tossing ideas out to the universe and you're starting to get a few tiny nibbles. You don't need to be told that means a lot in this economy. That kind of good response is an omen of bigger things to come. Consider hanging in there to be your daily project.
● Love: Acquiring admirers is fine, as long as you're not leading anyone on. Make sure everyone knows what the score is, and keep it all in balance.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Life hasn't been kind to you and your team lately, but things are just about to swing back into your favor. Your persistence and patience will make the difference between adequacy and success.
● Finances: Everything you do in life has effects you just can't keep track of. They ripple further and further away from you until you can't see them anymore even if you tried. Keep that in mind when you do something that goes against your philosophy of living. You could be setting yourself up for a personal tsunami.
● Love: If a decision's been troubling you, it comes to you in a flash; if you've been feeling less than social, suddenly you're raring to go. You're entering a period of high magnetism, so make the most of it.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Inspiration strikes you a little more often than most others, and right now you're about to get a double whammy. Don't flaunt it -- just get busy figuring out how to implement these great ideas.
● Finances: Like a windfall or an unexpected dividend, you get a surprise call from a friend. The good feelings it generates are worth a million bucks but you couldn't buy them for any amount of money. Do know that this unexpected bit of good fortune is a pay for a job well done, by you. Good work -- even if you can't put your finger on it.
● Love: You were feeling so clued into the big romantic picture, but now you're feeling a little moody and a lot slower. Take it easy and gather your thoughts -- there's no rush.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Things are changing around your workplace, and you have most likely come into a new and more powerful position. You will need to think things through before moving any further.
● Finances: While you're being idealistic, you might as well make your goals as over the top as you can possibly imagine. Stacks of profit up to the sky is a perfect image to fit your optimistic mood. As long as you keep your feet on the ground and your nose to the grindstone, anything is possible.
● Love: It's time for a little introspection, and no, that doesn't mean analyzing your flaws. Celebrate what's best about you and enjoy some solo time. It's your life -- live it fully.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You can see your job as it relates to the larger picture, perhaps as wide as the community as a whole or even the world. It's a good time to rethink your most basic assumptions.
● Finances: Once you find the tiniest of openings, the door springs wide before you. Okay, maybe 'springs' is an optimistic word, but you're definitely seeing new openings where before all you saw was a brick wall. Keep looking for that glint of sunlight. It signals the chink you have been waiting for.
● Love: Your emotions are running deep now, and your instinct is to comb through them and try to understand each and every one. Make time to be with people, though, for your own sanity.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You've got a little bit of the dark side in you, but right now it's almost totally overwhelmed by sweetness and light. It will be hard to make tough choices, so hang on for a few days.
● Finances: Luck can only do so much for you. You need to pay attention to the little ways you can and should be helping yourself. That might mean doing what someone in a position of authority tells you to do, no questions asked. Trust that they know as much as they pretend to.
● Love: Your mind's on your money, and in a larger sense on what others owe you. These kinds of computations rarely work in the realm of romance, so forgive those old debts of the heart.