Free Daily Horoscope - October 31 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Get all the information you need, and then decide. You don't have the full picture yet and you need more time to make a tough decision. This is too important to sell yourself short.
● Finances: No outside forces will prevent you from making a selfish decision. You're the only one who can prevent yourself from succumbing to the temptation. Just think about the other people you will be affecting and everything will turn out fine.
● Love: If your only date today is with the broom and dustpan, well, it's important to keep your pad tidy. You never know when you might have an impromptu get-together (or guest!) next week.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You're just comfortably plotting your next steps. No wonder you find yourself surprisingly happy to be right where you are. For now, enjoy the serenity. Once your ambition kicks in, you'll be off and running.
● Finances: Just like jogging is easier with a partner, saving money is more fun when you do it with someone else. Plus, the extra conscience always comes in handy. Consider it a coworker relationship, since it is about money, after all, and start picking out likely candidates. The pool to choose from is surprisingly large.
● Love: A little sensitive, are you? Well, that's not necessarily a negative thing. Consider the fact that you're in touch with your emotions and really experiencing the world around you. It's actually rather romantic.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: This is not as big a deal as it appears to be on the surface, so don't let a small glitch hold you back or paralyze you into indecision. Turn this snafu into a learning experience.
● Finances: When you're feeling overwhelmed, it's because there's a huge gap between what you want and what you have. Sometimes the gap is where you get your motivation, but today that difference just makes you want to give up in despair. It doesn't take much to make you feel good again, though. The key to defeat your mood is in your own thoughts.
● Love: Need some romantic advice? You could get more than you want right about now, perhaps from a family member who you wish would just mind their own business. Thank them for their perspective and let it go.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Try to break out of the same old mode and come up with a whole new way of doing things. The usual patterns and methods just aren't going to cut it anymore.
● Finances: Some things just can't be smoothed over with money. Matters of the heart are a good example. Your domestic life is begging for your attention, not your wallet. Be careful starting new projects that could take even more of your attention away.
● Love: You've got the emotional component down -- and right now, you can look at all things romantic with a rational, logical eye as well. Let your heart have its say, then let the facts speak for themselves.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You'll find all sorts of new ideas just waiting to be exploited. Think as far outside the box as you think you can, then stretch just a little bit farther.
● Finances: Your friendships are worth more to you than money, but that's only because you don't have to live without either. If you really had to choose, would you live in a cardboard box under a bridge rather than lose your friends? Obviously not. Avoid anyone who makes you think of those kinds of extremes.
● Love: If a certain someone's asking for a second chance, you'll think long and hard before granting it right now -- and if you do, it'll be on your terms. Good for you for refusing to make the same mistake twice.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Whatever you want today somehow manifests itself -- at least it should if your intentions are good. As long as you put out the good vibes, your Sunday should breeze by without consequence.
● Finances: Some days, you usually want to splurge on something, just to help you get over the hump. Make sure it's nothing big or splashy. You can find something for cheap or even free if you open your eyes wide enough, and it will be all the more meaningful for it.
● Love: Got your eye on someone -- or maybe a couple of someones? Whether it's an online-personals crush or a face-to-face infatuation, the stars say take some action. Luck's on your side now.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Some days you just feel like doing nothing at all. Zip. Zilch. Nada. If today's one of those days, ask a friend or family member if they wouldn't mind picking up some of your slack. You've done the same for them.
● Finances: You'd think there would be a certain feeling of peace that comes with a day like today. Not so. You're in an agitated state and your first instinct is to throw money at it. It can't be a cure like an itch with calamine lotion. The prescription is both simpler and harder: Patience.
● Love: Your day may be a little overwhelming, but be sure to put together a fun plan for tonight -- and leave time for a quick nap. The romantic energy coming your way later today is not to be missed.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: If you're at work, do a coworker a favor; if you're at home, reach out to a family member. You know they've been there for you in the past, and you'll most likely need some help in the future. It's an easy way to build up good karma.
● Finances: This is no time to be passive. Your financial future is at stake. Giving in to what seems like the inevitable is the easy way out. The solution is a lot harder but well worth the effort. Choose the harder decision. You'll thank yourself.
● Love: The little things count now, so get organized when it comes to your love life. Update that online profile for your social-networking page, plan a couple of fun outings and get that haircut!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Whether you're at home or at your job, the general feeling is probably anything but friendly. If that's the case, smile politely and keep your head down until this storm front passes.
● Finances: You don't shy away from the hard decisions. You can slash your budget if that's what it takes, with barely a wince. But something's got to give today that will leave you secretly crying. It could be something small, like good coffee or the daily paper, but to you, it's the world. Remind yourself that it's temporary.
● Love: If someone's interest in you is a turn-off, you'd be wise to ask yourself why that might be. Hmm -- could it be a bit of the 'I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me' syndrome?
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: It's all about making connections right now. The farther-flung and more exotic the locale, the better. Use this day off to explore new networking opportunities -- the sky's the limit.
● Finances: You have no problem relying on experts; after all, you can have but one real career. But when it comes to deciding where to put your money, you are the ultimate authority. Get all the information you need from those in the know before making up your mind. The decision is worth putting off if you can't connect with them.
● Love: Iron out the details of your upcoming social schedule, making some fun, interesting plans with your favorite people. A little forethought can put you in places with lots of like-minded types.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: If negotiations are in a holding pattern, use the downtime to rethink your strategy. Make sure you cover all your bases with this big client you're wrangling with or the new contract you're trying to settle.
● Finances: Oh, you're good. You can connect with just about anyone, anywhere, anyway. You know when to use your intellect and when to use your emotions. But someone else is even better at the game than you are. They are the conductor to your orchestra. Enjoy being led around by the nose for a change.
● Love: You want to communicate, but you're not getting much back. Or you're ready to show you care, but you're not sure it's reciprocated. If you're sensing hesitation on their part, look deeper to find out the real deal.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Just like your intuition concerning the rest of your life, your business instincts are fantastic. Really -- you don't have to know all the facts before you make a choice in this matter.
● Finances: It's never too late to pick a new direction. If you need incentive, remind yourself that the future will definitely arrive. You can be 100 and doing what you want or 100 and regretting your decisions. If money is holding you back, know that financial success will follow you down the right path.
● Love: Your usual receptive, open nature has more of a critical, analytical bent to it right about now -- making this an ideal time to assess some romantic prospects realistically. Why not shop around, online or off?