Free Daily Horoscope - October 24 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You should allow yourself an easy day. Don't plan anything heavy or important. If others demand conversation, keep it short and sweet. Your only thoughts should be completely superficial ones.
● Finances: You feel overly emotional and have no parents to tell you to pull yourself together. On the upside, you have no parents to tell you to pull yourself together. That's right, falling completely apart just might be the best thing you can do for yourself today. The emotional clearing it leaves in its wake is priceless.
● Love: Challenge, challenge who wants a challenge? You definitely need one to stir you into action. Your standards have dipped way down and it's time to upgrade. Talk to someone hotter than you, smarter than you or generally better than you -- it'll totally boost your confidence.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You know yourself well enough to be in charge of your behavior, both good and bad. If you feel a lack of caution coming on, then avoid shopping. The last thing you need is one more impulse buy.
● Finances: You have something delicate to say. You're afraid you may not get a good response back from your intended target. No, it's not a declaration of love; it has to do with your money and either how it's handled or who's handling it. Still, it's a subject that takes some subtlety on your part to pull off. You have what it takes to leave all parties happy.
● Love: Feeling inadequate just because you don't have all the answers is a hard way to live. Believe it or not, nobody expects you to possess the solutions to the world's problems. When you let go of your need to fix everything, you'll release lots of new energy in your life.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: You need some new work ideas. Having conversations with others is a good way to generate them, but not the only way. Pay attention to your inner dialogue today.
● Finances: You are in an ornery mood. You couldn't be any less adaptable if you were made of cement. As for being forgiving, it's out of the question. Unfortunately for you, you have less control over your money than you wish you had, so your only choice is to adjust to today's ever-changing circumstances. It will do both your soul and your wallet some good.
● Love: Your rapacious appetite for hunger comes on strong today. Lucky for you. Don't be surprised if you end up in a bookstore, a library or some other repository of knowledge. Who will you meet? Undoubtedly someone similarly cerebral.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Don't miss the whole point of taking time off. Taking a break from work means not thinking about it while you are not there. Ignore your internal chatter that says, 'office, office, office,' ad infinitum.
● Finances: Your money won't double, but the size of some part of your physical self just might. It could be your heart, ala The Grinch, or it could be your waistline. Whatever it is, you're as emotionally invested in it as you are in your portfolio. It won't happen overnight, though, so you have some time to adjust to the new you.
● Love: Sometimes your inferiority complex is charming. Currently, however, it has ceased to be cute. Nobody has the energy to reassure you -- that confidence must come from within. If you haven't talked to a stranger in a while, today's the day to chat it up with a new hottie.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You need to socialize. It doesn't have to be a big party, and it doesn't even have to include friends. The only minimum requirements are other human beings and a non-work related setting.
● Finances: All spending is tightly controlled. You know there is a backdoor or a loophole somewhere, and you are determined to find it. Whether or not your perseverance pays off remains to be seen, but it's a matter of pride that you keep looking or die trying.
● Love: You, overly religious? Not so much. Spiritual? Absolutely! And if you've never explored dating options as it pertains to matters of faith, try it. Join a singles group at your church, experiment with a different religion or take up mediation. A connection is definitely there.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Work issues are dogging you. No amount of cold logic will dispel your fears. Do your best to keep from being too harassed by your inner taskmaster. Definitely don't let yourself be led down the path of reviewing the details again and again.
● Finances: You've been busy making some new friends, but don't forget about those you've grown to rely on. Those old friends are like your retirement fund: An investment you just don't want to pull out of. Keep contributing even if it's only in small ways. A card, email or phone call goes a long way.
● Love: Before you make any romantic commitment -- long term or otherwise -- do what you do best: Analyze all the details and know the facts in advance. If that means looking this person up on the Internet or quizzing a few friends, so be it.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Ah, your guard is down. You get to reveal your innermost self, to any and all. Well, maybe not to any and all, but even taking your mask off in private is a huge relief. It may be all you need to prepare for five more days of wearing it.
● Finances: You want nothing more than to keep your head down and plow onward, but there are just too many things that are out of your hands. In fact, your entire routine is out the window. You have no choice but to spend the day on damage control instead of progress. At least you aren't going backwards.
● Love: Obscuring your true feelings will only work against you right now. So if you find yourself totally turned off by the Bozo you've agreed to go on a date with, keep it real. If you're not interested in seeing him or her again, don't lead them on.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: It's time to start taking tomorrow into consideration. Whether it's wearing yourself out, not preparing your wardrobe or skipping shopping, be aware that you're rolling the dice when it comes to the success of your workweek.
● Finances: Your intuition is like a divining rod, but exactly what it is trying to point out isn't exactly clear. What is, is that you are compelled to follow its direction. Following blindly is making you nervous. It hasn't lead you astray so far, so let that be of some consolation to you.
● Love: Don't get carried away -- one of your best assets is knowing your limitations. That's why you set attainable, short-term goals. But when it comes to matters of love, you've set your sights ridiculously high. If he or she is out of your league, accept it and move on.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Keeping busy has its own unique meaning for you. Being all talk and no action is a perfectly wonderful way to spend the day. In fact, you'll both be generating ideas and storing up energy for tomorrow.
● Finances: Your energy and what you have to accomplish with it are mismatched. It's not as glaringly obvious as wearing one brown and one black shoe, to anyone but you, that is. You could waste a lot of time and money fretting over it or you could just admit that life isn't perfect and move on. Choose the later.
● Love: You're willing to go deep, but when the conversation becomes too intimate, you squirm. If you're not comfortable disclosing your sexual proclivities or other private information with a date, don't do it. Your life's not like 'Silence of the Lambs' -- quid pro quo.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: If you have to start cutting back on work friends, the logical place to start is with your most flighty ones. Just who they are, though, hasn't yet been revealed. For now, you'll have to let yourself be vulnerable.
● Finances: When your profits aren't shooting through the roof, they're dropping through the floor. These kinds of extremes are not for the faint of heart. You're used to the roller coaster ride, but a partner or partners aren't. Convincing them that it's all in a day's work is useless. All you can do is sit back and watch while they overreact.
● Love: If you appear hesitant to others, it's for good reason: You are. Before you hit on a hot possibility, you feel compelled to make sure it's the right move. No harm in that -- just don't miss your window of opportunity. A small setback is worth the potential dividends.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You need a good day to relax, so make sure you have one, by hook or by crook. You can turn even the most ho-hum of gatherings into a sizzling affair if you put your mind to it.
● Finances: You have a 'thwart' button and it's being pushed, repeatedly. You're letting your emotions ruin one plan after another. This may be just a phase, but you could easily be broke by the time it's over. Learn to control your fearful feelings before you're ruined.
● Love: When it comes to being open-minded, you struggle -- no wonder your bed's perpetually empty. You've created this ideal construct of the perfect person and of course, everyone you meet falls short. Loosen up the requirements -- agree to compromise on one quality.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: The duality of work and time off doesn't bother you for a change. As long as you keep busy, the line between the two is poetically blurry. You neither dread nor look forward to tomorrow.
● Finances: Poets continue to write even if their work isn't appreciated by others. The struggling artist is an archetype you blindly accept as fact. You don't exactly fit the bill, although it's true your efforts often go without a word of thanks. The money you make is certainly welcome and it's no mystery how appreciative others are of it, though. Consider that your applause.
● Love: As a self-destructive streak eases into your life and everything suddenly becomes crazy. You stood back and watched while the situation crumbled and now you're in the middle of the chaos. Sneak away before things really go south.