Free Daily Horoscope - October 2 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You just can't sit back and wait for it to happen. You need to have a good day. In fact, it's urgent. Do whatever it takes to enjoy yourself, from cooking, sports, or romance to spending time with kids.
● Finances: Charm is a given, but whether you are the one playing the flute or snaking your way out of the basket remains to be seen. It might even be your money that twists and turns on its way out of your wallet. Keep your eyes open for the most appealing figure in the room, including you.
● Love: If it's not one thankless job today, it's another. And being a good friend doesn't always reap immediate rewards. So if you're expecting a hearty handshake for being such a great pal, don't hold your breath. You won't see the fruits of your effort for a while.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Your outside attachments need a little bit of grease. Stop thinking about work and start paying attention to friends and family. That means being tolerant of all the little quirks you've forgotten about.
● Finances: Being lazy may seem like a good time in your imagination, but in reality you'd be too anxious to enjoy it. The fire under you won't let you sit still that long. Nothing but getting a move on with your plan will satisfy you. When it comes to that kind of activity, you can't overdo it.
● Love: A major setback will happen either today or in the near future. And when it does, don't let it deter your progress. Know that you're merely experiencing a good dose of life. For every hindrance, you'll make up for it in spades.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: If you were full of ideas all day, it's hard to turn off your intellectual spigot. Take advantage of it. You're primed to come up with exciting things to do instead of falling back on the usual, run of the mill Saturday fare.
● Finances: Being intellectual is always your first line of defense, but in this case, you need to lighten up a bit. Fewer thoughts and more fun is the right prescription for making a profit. Focus on anything other than your inner workings: your partner, the love of your life -- anything or anyone at all that makes you feel good.
● Love: You're in total mack mode right now. And that makes you vulnerable. The best way to find out about someone you're interested in is through observation. Watch how this person is around others. If they have lots of friends and treat people with respect, you probably have a winner.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your impulses are getting bigger and bigger but are they getting better? An extravagant gesture could be interpreted the wrong way. You may think a friend deserves it, but make sure they feel the same way.
● Finances: You've already had a few setbacks, so you're not exactly naive. But no matter how wary you are, you could be missing something that turns into an expensive oversight. Don't wait for the numbers to reveal themselves; protecting your money requires being more active than that.
● Love: Flattery will get you everywhere, especially in trouble. So watch how you interact with others. Don't be surprised if someone accuses of trying to pick up on their husband or wife -- people are just that touchy today, even though your intentions are totally innocent.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Don't let your biggest achievement be getting out of bed. You don't have to come up with the pinnacle of Saturday activities, but do make sure today has one or two high points.
● Finances: Sometimes making money feels more like a date than business. You're sharing the wealth as well as your feelings. There's plenty of both to go around, so don't skimp. It's a good combination and history will agree with you.
● Love: It's really all about you today, so if you're feeling crazy and beyond reach, reel it back in. Make contact with the grounded people in your life, such as parents, sibs and your best friends. These are the folks who'll never lie to you.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Someone seems to think you are the underdog. You need to let them know they're mistaken. You don't want to brag, but you should disabuse them of that idea, sooner rather than later.
● Finances: Losing a few dollars here and there certainly won't break the bank, but that's not the kind of risk you're facing. Buying something either on your own or with a partner is a serious financial commitment. You need to have a serious discussion about the value of all possible outcomes.
● Love: Everyone else seems to have received the owner's manual to life but you. Sure, your friends seem happy with the kids, the cars, the spouse and the white picket fence, but their lives are not perfect. Remember, there's a payoff to everything.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Hopes and wishes are good things to have but they won't ensure you have a good day. For that, you need to get out and spend time with people. Look up some long lost friends, for starters.
● Finances: There are some things that are better kept private. Be circumspect in all things regarding money. A simple habit of checking your balance is being watched. Wherever you go and whatever you do today, know you are getting attention from others.
● Love: Whether it's an ex or a wayward sibling, you've got to cut the financial apron strings. By continuing to give this person money, you're killing their self-esteem and forcing yourself into the dangerous role of the enabler. Sure, it's painful to say no, but the time has come to close the bank.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: It's one challenge after another, and it doesn't stop just because the work week does. Get out your calendar because you have a lot to do today. Watch yourself go down your list.
● Finances: The right decision is elusive. That's because there is no right decision. As long as you are doing what is morally right, the correct financial choice is your call. When you get tired of trying to decide, find someone knowledgeable to bounce ideas off of.
● Love: That old black magic is beyond your control, so trust in Mother Nature and let the pheromones kick in. Will you hook up with that hottie you've been hankerin'? Probably not -- biology has other surprising plans in store. Just be patient.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Why the long face? If you feel completely out of luck, don't sit around and mope. Begin your morning with a smile, then wait for good fortune to catch up with you.
● Finances: Everyone wants to be loved but don't let that need cloud your decision-making abilities. If money is your objective, then some people are bound to get their noses bent out of joint somewhere along the way. All you can do is keep the damage minimal and play fair.
● Love: Any sort of physical contact with a certain someone will lead directly to the bedroom. And you know who it is. So if you don't want to get it started, don't even kiss this person. If you do, know the consequences. Could be good; could be scary.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: It won't be an easy day if you spend it worrying about business problems. Put aside all the things you can't do anything about anyway. That should be most of your list.
● Finances: Don't expect any extra money today. If you face the day hoping to break even, however, you won't be disappointed. It's not much of a prediction, but with the level of energy you have available to focus on work, it's just not a good day to ask for more.
● Love: Who says history can't repeat itself? If it didn't work out the first time, try it again. Dust off that old black book and call up someone who got away, if it's appropriate. Whatever the problem was initially -- timing or an ex -- has since been resolved.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Give your private life an audit. You'll be amazed at how much energy you waste on silly things like power struggles. Sometimes giving in is the way to come out on top.
● Finances: You're reaching out to your regular connections, but you're making contact with someone completely new. Whether it's random or planned by the universe isn't as important as what you make of the circumstance. Try to engage instead of simply observing.
● Love: Relationship ready? Hmmm. Maybe. Check your motives. If you're feeling desperate, you're probably just in a funk -- settling for any old bag o' bones will just add to the despair in the long run. Wait until the panic has passed to make any big romantic decisions.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You colleagues may have plenty of problems, but they're not yours to worry about today. Don't let your mind wander into the swamp of drama, with or without a phone call from the office.
● Finances: You're ready to call in any and all debts owed to you. It seems like the rest of the financial world is doing the same, so why shouldn't you? Remember to take the high road while you're at it. Forgiving some and putting the screws to others is the right way to handle things.
● Love: You're sort of turned off to the whole idea of inter-office dating and with good cause. But, if you find a spark between the cubicles, consider exploring it. As long as you have good boundaries in place, a nine-to-five romance could be the perfect solution to a dead-end job!