Free Daily Horoscope - September 8 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You could slither out of your chair, under the door and right into someone else's office today, you're that slick and persuasive. But charming to get what you want isn't as satisfying as earning it. Do it the old-fashioned way.
● Finances: Your emotions are slowly thawing. You had to put everything on ice to survive. You made it through with what you need intact -- a bit of cash and a bit of soul. Nothing in life will ever be like it once was, but keep looking inward until you see something that resembles your old self.
● Love: Feeling as if you've hit the wall, romantically speaking? It's time to call up someone who knows what they're talking about. Who possesses love longevity? Your grandparents? Parents? Find out what the key to their success is and proceed accordingly.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: If you're having a hard time staying on task, then find ways to make it all the more interesting. Form a partnership of sorts with a colleague. Simply checking in with each other throughout the day is worth more than a cup of coffee.
● Finances: Living through something as intense was a huge challenge, not to mention history in the making. Like bones buried and turned to fossils, you have your own deep emotions to deal with. Don't let them turn to stone during your lifetime. Deal with them head on, just as you would the numbers.
● Love: You're totally greedy with your time and money today. What's that all about? If it passes in a few hours, don't sweat it. But, if you're still hanging on tight by tomorrow, you better do something about it; otherwise, you could really tick off someone special.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Seeing projects through to completion is an important part of feeling accomplished. But you're leaving them unfinished in your wake. Whether you're tossing them over your shoulder or simply giving up on them, it's the wrong approach.
● Finances: Every penny you make these days takes extra time, attention and calculating to earn. It's okay to go slower than you used to. In fact, it might just be good for your health. Your entire life was ready for a completely new pace, even if you enjoyed the old one. The right attitude will help you adjust.
● Love: You're just a ball of fun and games but everyone else takes you so seriously. What gives? You can't do much to change their opinion, so forget about it. Date who you want. Stay out as late as you want. Live your life according to your values. That's all that matters.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Why be uncomfortable at work? You need to start making the office your home away from home. That doesn't mean moving in your belongings, but it does mean learning to relax.
● Finances: Indecision is the emotion of the moment. Is it going to be the emotion forever? That remains to be seen, but for now, indulge it. You don't have to sign anything or make any kind of financial commitments until you're good and ready. Make sure each time you sign, it counts.
● Love: When you're bouncing off the walls with energy, you're totally and completely unstoppable. Under these circumstances, you can have anyone you want. So? What's holding you back? Someone's game and you know who it is. Make the first move.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Your needs won't be met by others by magic. If you need help, don't wait for others to volunteer. You need to farm out some work -- and fast. Communicate exactly what you need.
● Finances: You want to do more than just support your family. You also want to nurture them. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to make any more money than you already do. Even with the cut backs you've made to spending, the emotional aspect is much more valuable than anything you could ever buy with money. You are doing more than breaking even. Way more.
● Love: When lethargy sets in, the need for action becomes ever apparent. But start small. You can't tackle your entire to-do list in one sitting. Register for a class, respond to a few emails or update your resume. Choose at least one thing that's been hanging over your head.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You're on the fence. Or are you on the high dive? Whatever the height is, you're afraid to choose a way to come down. Yes, you'll make a big splash either way, so you might as well dive in.
● Finances: If you're used to letting your emotions make all your decisions for you, then getting practical is a bit of a shock. You can't let how you feel drive your train anymore. The only thing that matters now is keeping afloat. Money is wearing the engineer's cap.
● Love: Nothing makes sense today. It's as if you never woke up from last night's crazy dream. Lucky for you everyone else is sort of feeling the same way. Dissect reality with your other wayward friends and coworkers. Someone is apt to come up with a good answer.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: You crave attention from others today. If you don't get it, your work will suffer. You might as well do some socializing and get it over with.
● Finances: Your pockets don't go quite as deep now as they once did. You still have plenty of money, though. And you're not wanting for anything that really matters in life, from love to material possessions. The only place you could use some wiggle room is in being able to be more generous to others. That will come with time.
● Love: You come off as a free spirit, but deep down you crave boundaries and limits. It takes the guesswork out of everything and you're down with that. So, if you need help focusing in work or romance, ask for help. Someone is bound to offer you an excellent morsel of wisdom.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Work is suddenly a spectator sport. You've heard that the best defense is a good offense. But sometimes the best offense is just to be passive. Let others toss the issue back and forth while you watch from the sidelines.
● Finances: You're not exactly exuding confidence these days. It's harder than ever to draw people to you in the mental and emotional state you're in. Sad to say, but a little cash just might infuse you with that certain something you've been lacking lately. Find the right place to draw it from.
● Love: You are way better off with a plan than winging it right now. Create a schedule for the next few days and stick to it. You'll need the ammo when dull people come to you with invitations to boring events. Sorry, you have other plans.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: The only way to get work accomplished is with the blessing of colleagues. You can work some emotional magic to get them on your side, without them even knowing what hit them.
● Finances: Finding out exactly what happened to your money last night is an excellent idea, but don't bother looking inward to find the big picture. Wondering what you did wrong is a complete waste of emotional energy this time and being moody won't help things, either.
● Love: When you're done, you're done. Be okay with it. You've been doing the online dating scene pretty consistently and you're feeling burned out. So, set your profile to private and find real people. You're bound to meet a dynamo!
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: You may think you're pouring all of your energy into work and not getting any return, but that's because you're only thinking of the present. You may not be getting a raise today, but you're laying the groundwork for one down the road.
● Finances: Your friends can help drag you out of the funk you're in. That's because it's really not about money, even though you think it is. They're detached enough to point you toward the real source of your discontent. That's assuming you're objective enough to hear them.
● Love: Romance isn't always about forever. In fact, if you've developed a more-than-friends relationship with someone, think about casually taking it to the next level. What's wrong with a little silliness? Or a make-out session? This pairing calls for levity and fun.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You're letting emotional issues get in the way of work. Walking a mile in someone else's shoes takes intellect, not heart. Try to imagine connecting with a colleague who seems to be from a totally different planet.
● Finances: Everyone wants to feel needed and you're no exception. Spend time with friends who make it clear you just can't be replaced, and not for your money, either. The deep feelings they bring up in you are priceless.
● Love: If work and other responsibilities get in the way of fun today, you're in big trouble. Priorities? What? Close the checkbook and let your hair down. Make the transition from happy hour to a fun-filled evening seamless. Even if you're fuzzy tomorrow morning, the craziness was worth it!
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You're starting to feel like you're owed something from your employer, and it's more than pay. Balancing the emotional and psychological scales will be a big improvement.
● Finances: Feeling unsure is not the same as feeling ineffectual. In fact, the more unsure you are about a certain project, the surer you are not to get involved with it. You're about as comfortable with it as diving into shark-infested waters.
● Love: Do something nice for someone or help a stranger, but don't tell anyone about it. Otherwise, it won't count. This good energy will push you in a new and interesting direction. Your karmic account is in the red: This act of kindness will do wonders for your self-worth.