Free Daily Horoscope - September 22 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: When you can see colleagues in need of help, don't just sit there doing as little as possible. Yes, you can blend into the foliage, or you can stand out and offer help. Choose the latter.
● Finances: Don't fret if you thought you'd have a castle filled with material possessions by now. Nothing in life works out the way you imagine, especially finances and love. Being agreeable and having perseverance happen to work well in both arenas, and you don't even have to be Prince or Princess Charming.
● Love: Something fun is brewing on the home front. Whether your housemates are planning a soiree or you're involved in the block party committee, expect a new level of excitement. Plus, the hotties will be out in full force -- don't be surprised if you run into that neighbor of interest. Now's the time to chat it up.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You're not feeling very compassionate. In fact, you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself to care about anyone else. You'll feel a lot happier if you let your better side be dragged out, even if it comes kicking and screaming.
● Finances: You are feeling good and for no apparent reason. Nothing about any of your statements would indicate the kind of mood you're in. But one obviously doesn't relate to another or you'd be in a much different state of mind. Enjoy it while it lasts and don't think twice about your finances.
● Love: Your stubbornness drives people insane most of the time, but today, they'll appreciate it when you push back. You know what's right for you -- even if everyone else thinks they're the boss of you. Ha! Your sneaking suspicions turn out to be dead on!
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: It's your career and nobody but you is responsible for its path. Don't sit at your desk dreaming of change and challenges. Do what you have to in order to make them happen.
● Finances: The busybodies are out in full force. Everybody wants to know your financial status and they're not too ashamed to ask. Now's the time to feign qualities of deep focus instead of hearing them. You can get lost in thought in an instant and no amount of hand clapping can bring you back down to earth.
● Love: Get ready for some ups and downs today. Probably best to have a friend on AIM to soften any unexpected challenges (like a moody boss) in your day. Ultimately you'll make it through the day in flying colors!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: You'll have a hard time explaining that misty look. You can spend the day daydreaming, but make sure you turn on your intuition first. You'll want to snap to attention the moment you get that tingling feeling.
● Finances: You finally have time to socialize, but none of the emotional energy to do it. Even a dinner party doesn't tempt you. You'd rather just have take-out in front of the TV. Spending time at home with family isn't such a crazy idea after all. It's the cheapest form of therapy available to you.
● Love: You're so focused on the serious things in life the fun (and the hotties) are passing you by. This newfound work ethic is fantastic, but just like anything, you take it too far. Put down the cell phone and turn off the computer. Nothing a good night on the town can't solve.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You should have learned your lesson by now, and yet you're still tempted by anything that glitters. Your instinct should be letting you know if you're putting the fool in fool's gold. Listen up.
● Finances: Today you have no career to worry about, no boss breathing down your neck, and almost no right or wrong to deal with. Almost. You still have one sticky issue to put to bed, but you have all you need to figure it out once and for all. The less money is involved, the easier the decision will be.
● Love: Watch out for the small things right now -- you have a tendency to nickel and dime yourself. Twenty dollars here, five there, until suddenly, you're wondering why the rent money went. If you can make dinner and coffee at home, do it. You can't afford the luxury.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: It's hard to take on big projects in the state you're in. You're confused by the smallest details. Take the day to clear your head, or getting anywhere will be just unimaginable.
● Finances: You don't have to look at things from a distance to see your life from a different perspective. You don't even have to spend any more money than usual. Something as pedestrian as eating in a diner is as exotic to you as foreign travel. The blue plate special has never been so fascinating, or so satisfying.
● Love: Romance is looking bad all around today. Consider putting off those big talks and hot dates until the momentum rolls around in your favor. Luckily this astrological venom doesn't apply to every aspect of your life -- that's why it's a great time to catch up on loose ends or spend time with pals.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Flexibility is a good quality, but with as much as you have on the go, you can only be stretched so far. Do what you can, while you can. Keep your head down and prepare to be snapped in another direction.
● Finances: Sometimes food represents all the comforts of home, and nothing else will hit the spot. There is no such thing as indulging too much when all of your choices are both healthy and delicious. Saying a meal is worth its weight in gold is going a bit too far, but it's definitely worth the money. Let yourself enjoy it.
● Love: Lately, talking to just about anyone seems like a chore. Your quips and gestures are taken totally out of context -- no wonder you've been snarky with everyone! Things get easy soon, very soon, when suddenly, you're able to chat it up with your most bitter rival!
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Don't ask. Just what's expected of you is as big a mystery to your boss as it is to you. Pretending to be working on something important is one of your hidden talents, so take it out and brush it off.
● Finances: You are as reckless as ever. Luckily your impulsiveness won't put a serious dent in your finances or hurt your relationships, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't learn some restraint. If nothing else, it will help you control your temper. Banish impatience while you still can.
● Love: You're not gonna meet anyone new, sitting around the TV. So, it's a great time to plan out your next vacation -- do it way in advance to snag the best deals. And just go for it. Try eco-tourism or run with the bulls. Live it up! You're single and ready for an adventure!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: If you've been misplacing things, then give yourself a system for the day. The last thing you want to do is lose something important today. Too much rests on being organized.
● Finances: You love nothing more than thinking about the grand scheme of things. The big picture is alluring, but the small details of real life don't add up to it just yet. If you want to eventually get to the end of the rainbow and collect your pot of gold, then there are some small, dull details you are forced to deal with. Don't put them off another day.
● Love: You're vulnerable to hooking up with controlling people -- wolves in sheep's clothing. They appear affable, but give 'em an inch and they're suddenly telling you what to wear and who to see. Listen to their words. If you pick up on the red flags, the problem is solved.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: When colleagues need assistance, you're always more than glad to help. Don't be an easy mark today. You'll know intuitively when to ignore a request and focus on your own work instead.
● Finances: You are ever faithful and conscientious. But even you deserve to be let off the hook every once in a while. As long as you don't break the bank, you can let yourself blow off some steam and blow a bit of money in the process. With a bit of creativity, you won't stray too far outside your budget.
● Love: Take a deep breath and sit back -- avoid an immediate reaction. A nasty situation, perhaps with a former lover, will test your patience and composure today. Remember -- this person's deliberately trying to dig into your craw. Don't let emotional toxicity poison a perfectly good day.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Putting yourself first is the only way to get over the hump. It can be work-related or it can be as personal as a long lunch. Let yourself be sidetracked in whatever way works for you.
● Finances: Old relatives bored you when you were young, but now you wish you had learned their secrets, at least their financial secrets. You discover one without even trying today. It's little more than a peculiar feeling. There's no way to verify it, but you have a strong hunch that you're onto something, and it's profitable.
● Love: If you're using social networking sites to find dates, be smart. Consider keeping one for your personal life and the other for business. No need to mix your two worlds -- things could just get too muddy that way. What you do outside the confines of the office is your business.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You need a high energy day to make it to the second half of the week. If you just don't have that kind of stamina, fake some. Looking motivated goes a long way toward getting you where you want to be.
● Finances: You're on the receiving end of poetry from the universe -- the real kind, not the financial kind. Beautiful words make you want to swoon even more than money does for a change. Cap it all off with a good dinner and you have poetry in motion. Enjoy.
● Love: In the dating world, you're the go-getter, the trailblazer -- that's what makes you so darn attractive! No surprise, it's up to you to inspire all the decisions, everything from what time you go to where you'll eat. Your assertiveness is a welcome change from all the wet rags out there.