Free Daily Horoscope - September 15 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You're stuck in low gear. No matter how highly you value your career, you just can't jump start your drive for success. Everyone needs to slow down every now and then. Consider this your day to do just that.
● Finances: The satisfaction of working in groups varies depending on what your role is. Sometimes you get the glory and sometimes you're relegated to support staff. But the result you're always looking for, it goes without saying, is money. The more you pitch in today -- in any capacity -- the more you'll go home with.
● Love: Someone definitely crawls under your skin and stays there for the duration of the afternoon. A good, thorough scratch, unfortunately, won't get rid of this parasite. So when all else fails, remove yourself from the situation. After all, they're cramping your style.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: It might look like a good personal day when you get your first peek at it, but don't let yourself change any plans. The office beckons, even if it doesn't call. Roll right out of bed and into work.
● Finances: Other people push your buttons without even trying. Unfortunately, they're the wrong buttons. If you want to blast off into outer space, you don't have to do a thing. But if you want to be in charge of which direction you're in, limit who you spend time with.
● Love: The future is looking brighter and brighter. So do your part -- it's a great day to go green. Recycle recyclables, eat no meat or use vegan condoms. Whatever you decide, make it a habit. One small change in your personal habits yields huge results.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: If you feel held back, it's just part of the vibe of the day. Working is like walking through quicksand or a pool of glue. But continue attempting to get something done.
● Finances: You're more influenced by your friends than you realize. After all, you are the company you keep. Hanging around with financially successful people will rub off on you, as will being perpetually broke. Money isn't all you should be noticing, but it's not to be ignored, either.
● Love: You're way less adaptable today than normal. What's that all about? So many awesome, fun things are going on, but you're stuck on the couch, afraid to draw open the blinds. Pamper yourself. You're not missing out on anything you can't do later.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: If only you had something extreme to deal with or anything at all for that matter. It's a duller than dirt kind of day. To get some balance, you need to end your work week with a bang. Start the planning process.
● Finances: Is flexibility something that can be learned? You're about to find out. The wrong person appears, the bill is wrong or your plans will be changed at the last second. Your ability to enjoy the day as it unfolds depends on how easy it is for you to adapt. Not adapting at all is always an option.
● Love: Something new is afoot and you know it's going to be fantastic. Whether it's a surprise email in your inbox or a chance meeting on the street, the encounter will alter your life. Maybe it's love, maybe it's six degrees of separation, but it's up to you to see the significance of it.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: When you have time on your hands, offer your services to someone else. Don't wait to be asked. Listen, look around, and pick out a colleague who could use some help. Don't think twice about it. They'll follow your lead.
● Finances: Someone is going to fall hard, and it may be you. Be glad the only thing to take a big hit is your ego, not your wallet. On the other hand, you may be an innocent bystander to someone else's egotistical folly, in which case extra compassion is called for.
● Love: Romance will stay in a holding pattern until you determine whether your prey is over his or her ex. And it's just as easy as that: ask directly. Don't be afraid to mince words. The answer will depend on where this thing is headed anyway -- you have nothing to lose.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: The time for being creative is usually in the planning stages. But things are reaching a critical stage, and you need to make changes. Start shaking things up in whatever ways make sense to the right side of your brain.
● Finances: There is no routine set in stone yet, and yet you already have certain expectations for the rhythm of your days. The only thing you can predict is how much you spend because you control your own wallet. Everything else is still up in the air.
● Love: The person you're seeing probably has some reservations about you. And if you haven't addressed it, now's a great time to discuss your status with your ex. Are you over him or her? If not, maybe you should stay solo until you work it out.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: As soon as a project is over, it already feels like it's in the distant past. That kind of restlessness is what drives you onward and upward. But while you're in between the 'one down' and 'one to go' stages, you can't help but feel a bit depressed.
● Finances: You don't exactly deserve much fun, you haven't stored up enough points yet. But you'll get plenty of fun anyway, and maybe even a bit of romance thrown in for good measure. The best part is that it's not on credit. It's free and clear, so enjoy the good times with others while you have the chance.
● Love: You're totally hot for one of your friends -- as far as you're concerned, you'd take him or her right here, right now. But you're not sure they feel the same way. Hint around. Let 'em know how great they are. The response might result in a cheap hotel and breakfast.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Some tasks just don't excite you. Drum up some enthusiasm for the process, if not the project. Working well together is a joy. There is satisfaction in a job well done -- you come up with the rest.
● Finances: When you get that familiar urge, you know it means something more profound than the immediate subject at hand. The desire to move your furniture or redecorate your house is just a red herring for the real changes you long to make. Don't let yourself be fooled by it.
● Love: Flowers are totally romantic -- greenery makes you feel great. So even if you can't bribe anyone into sending you a dozen roses, buy them yourself. The energy of live foliage is addictive. Expect several people to strike up a conversation about your fantastic choices.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You're cutting corners with the best of them. If you've already brought in your own lunch and bussed it to the office, then you have some idea of how to handle work issues. Start snipping.
● Finances: Learning something old is learning something new. If you keep an open mind during a particularly thorny conversation, you're likely to see a lot of parallels between the subject being discussed and your financial strategy. The real trick is using that information once the light bulb goes on in your head.
● Love: When it comes to money, don't talk about it too much. Bragging about the cost of your car, your purse and your shoes is downright tacky. Instead, chat about topics of substance: your ambitions, your goals and your dreams. When in doubt, say nothing or change the subject.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Your plans are working, even if you're getting no recognition. Don't expect that kind of acknowledgement anytime soon. Just keep hoping for good results in other ways.
● Finances: Don't bother planning your future based on the finances of today. Things could be as radically different two years from now as they were two years ago. If you would never have imagined being in the financial situation you find yourself in, then why assume you can extrapolate your future worth? Sitting tight is still your best bet.
● Love: An uncomfortable, even inappropriate, situation will test your composure today. Before you lose your cool entirely, consider the consequences (and the audience). Don't let emotional toxicity poison you, lest you say the wrong thing in front of the wrong people.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: The office is chafing. It's too restricting, from the hours you have to be there to the clothes you're expected to wear. If you're not sure why these feelings are plaguing you, then spend five minutes delving into your subliminal treasure chest.
● Finances: You have energy to burn. Unfortunately, you don't have money to burn to go with it. You don't need it to have a great day, though. In fact, nothing can stop you from enjoying yourself, and your sense of fun is contagious. Expect to be treated.
● Love: Don't let all your great legwork go to waste. If you take the time to snag a hottie's number or email, follow it up. Even if you were totally intoxicated when it happened, take a chance. If nothing else, it's great practice.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Your group needs something new. It's up to you to figure out what and fast. Consider yourself to be in a huge game of musical chairs. The one caught standing could be someone in high places, or you.
● Finances: Don't let the day be spent lost in dreams. People around you are having fun and there are plenty of ways to join in. Most of them don't require a penny, but if money becomes an issue, move on to another activity. As long as it's ethereal, it's worth participating in.
● Love: It's about finding the right person, but until that happens, fill your life with meaning. Forge new relationships, volunteer and reach out to others. Surrounding yourself with people is the best way to stave off the loneliness.