Free Daily Horoscope - August 26 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You don't have to be stuck at your desk all day to be useful. Be the first one to bring some news back to the office. Whether it's business-related or simply that a new lunch place has opened, be the scout. Do some exploring.
● Finances: The things that made you happy recently are not the kind of things you'll keep until they become antiques. But that doesn't mean they're not full of value or staying power. It's the memories of giving or getting them that will stay with you forever and a day. You're already going over them in your mind's eye.
● Love: You could definitely use a little discipline right now -- everything's sort of out of control. You're spending too much money, eating too many burgers and wasting too much time on the Internet. Rein it all in. When you feel like doing something bad, go for a walk. You might meet someone.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: If you're hiring someone new, don't let anyone rush you. Going over all the details and calling all their references is a must, no matter how quickly you'd like the position filled. If you have to, shop around. Then shop around some more.
● Finances: You've managed to make it through the last week having fun and remaining practical at the same time. You win the prize, and it's not a material object, either. It's the peace of mind that comes with knowing you didn't overspend, and that makes all the difference.
● Love: Getting and staying organized doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming -- and that's been the problem all along. If you're missing appointments and running out of time, write it all down on a plain, old sheet of paper. Keep it with you always to make notes.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Thinking that things could be better is too easy. So is pointing out areas where you see room for improvement. Take the initiative and actually throw some constructive suggestions out there.
● Finances: The last few days have required a hidden strength you never knew you had. Now that it's over, you get to concentrate on other things. Fiction, easy conversation and overeating all play into your day, but force yourself to deal with business matters, too. Bills, in particular, need your attention.
● Love: When you prioritize, you feel unstoppable! Knowing what tasks lie ahead gives you the freedom to explore the hours and minutes. So use your downtime to your advantage. Pay a few bills during lunch or catch up on your book during your commute: dead time is productive time.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Both your emotions and your mind have hair triggers today. If you're wondering which will spring to action first, it's a draw. But if you have any control at all, let your intellect win.
● Finances: If having a dinner party was your big, between-the-frenzies idea, then there's no time like the present to follow through. Everyone in your circle could use a good excuse to get together. Start planning your menu and be sure to include a budget.
● Love: Get in the habit of rewarding yourself. Accomplish your to-dos early on -- that way you'll have the rest of your day free. And when your tasks are completed, do something nice, pamper yourself. Relax and enjoy your single time.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: The only thing that should be etched in stone is your work ethic. For everything else, be prepared for your mind to be blown. Someone new will walk right into the office and change your opinion.
● Finances: The lavish celebrations aren't over. In fact, the more ostentatious ones haven't yet begun. Prepare yourself to be feted on a grand scale. Don't forget to count your lucky stars you're not the one footing the bill.
● Love: Multitasking won't work for your right now. You have too many loose ends to deal with -- so instead of trying to tie them up at one time, pick one and follow it through. Accomplish one thing at a time and forget about everything else until you're ready to move on.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Difficulties with coworkers have a solution, just not an easy one. Taking everyone out to lunch is just throwing money at the problem. Take your time and get to the root of it all.
● Finances: Your normal landscape has looked like something altogether foreign for the last week, not to mention your schedule. You hardly need to travel to get the itch for something unusual scratched. And yet you can't help but study the train tables and the flight schedules. There's nothing wrong with a harmless and free fantasy.
● Love: The way to get ahead right now is to act nicely. Being a jerk will get you absolutely nowhere -- you'll attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. So don't scream into the phone; ask pleasantly and calmly for satisfaction.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Work is either heavenly or, well, the opposite of heavenly. It goes without saying that the office remains in the same place. What changes is in your head. Spend some time trying to control your attitude.
● Finances: It's good to get a heavy dose of your own culture every once in a while. If overspending is part and parcel of everything to do with you and yours, then start the distancing dance now.
● Love: Purpose, purpose, what is your purpose? If only you knew. You're single and have lots of time to explore what it's all about. That's why now's a great time to seek those answers. Experiment, ask questions and study -- follow a path of enlightenment.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You and a colleague are like two peas in a pod, or, on your best days, two Martians from another planet. Coworkers wonder how you can stand each other, and how you manage to be so productive together. Have fun!
● Finances: The overt display of greed may be temporarily over, but don't expect that to be the last of it. You can still be ambushed by that ugly emotion at the most unlikely of moments. Continue reminding yourself that there are better ways to use your energy than to get attached to things. Use your life's force for people instead.
● Love: If you're ready to take an online relationship offline and into the flesh, the stars say go for it! Just keep your expectation in check and if you're not instantly blown away, don't sweat it. This real-time connection will take a minute to grow.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Why suffer? If you don't love what you do, then it's harder to have fun doing it. But the day requires you get a lot done, so you might as well try to enjoy it.
● Finances: If dieting is one of your upcoming resolutions, it makes perfect sense you may be tempted to overeat while you still can. The same goes for your spending. But don't let an upcoming vow to stay within budget make you go hog wild now.
● Love: When it comes to conversation, you're sort of in a rut. It's really the same topics and the same old people. If you're feeling a little edgy today, and you should, talk about issues that normally fall outside your comfort zone. Whether it's philosophy or sports, ask lots of questions.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Sometimes it takes sheer determination just to stay at the office. You'd much rather be home with family today. If taking care of them is your responsibility, then use that thought to boost your perseverance levels.
● Finances: Finally, you get a chance to relax, if you can even remember what that means anymore. You're the conscientious type who always pays bills on time, so getting current with them is your idea of relaxing. Enjoy attending to life's basic necessities.
● Love: Keep to yourself today. It's more about blending in than standing out, especially in conversation. Don't reveal too much personal information -- allow everyone else to talk up a storm. You'll find out way more juice than you bargained for!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: High energy, moderate energy, no energy. There seems to be a pattern here. Could it be related to something as mundane as the days of the week? Give yourself a break.
● Finances: It's amazing that a person can go through so many changes in such a short amount of time. Yes, it has been intense, but even the last few weeks have made you into someone almost totally different. You've picked up a few peculiarities along the way, but also some good financial skills.
● Love: Long-standing, ongoing bad blood between you and a family member is taking up way too much space in your head. In fact, it's leaving little for anything else. If possible, clear it up immediately -- you shouldn't waste any of your awesome single energy on baggage.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You earn some office acclaim, even if it's only fleeting. You'll figure out a long-standing enigma or unmask a charlatan. Enjoy the buzz while it lasts.
● Finances: You have the evening free to spend time with your beloved. It doesn't have to be on the cheap, either. Spare no expense as you prepare a meal more like poetry than culinary arts.
● Love: Between your potent personality and effective energy, everything will fall into place for you. But someone's jealous of what you have and will try to subvert your paradigm. Keep this in mind as you go through the day -- you know who it is and how to counteract their bad vibes.