Free Daily Horoscope - August 17 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Everyone seems alien to you. Even one cubicle over feels like foreign territory. Wait until this wave of weirdness passes over you, or risk putting your foot in your mouth.
● Finances: This isn't exactly the home stretch, but it happens to be your own personal last chance to finish up. You need to make the most of every last minute. Use your opportunistic tendencies to jump on as many good deals as you come across.
● Love: Stop living among the ghosts of the pasts. What happened in high school or even yesterday doesn't matter. Nobody really cares about all that, and neither should you. Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them. Keep your side of the street clean.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You can be convincing or you can be charming. Your approach should depend on your target. Trying to win a project? Know your facts. Need something from the next cubicle? Pour on the charm.
● Finances: Your travel plans cannot be changed, let alone avoided altogether. These obligations are serious and ignoring them means trouble that literally lasts a lifetime. If money is your biggest worry, find another perspective from which to see the entire event.
● Love: If you're not interested in the stock market or poetry, why do you force it down your throat? Give it up already. Nobody's really all the impressed with this useless info. You're better off just being yourself for now -- that's what the hotties want, after all.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Having a good time at the office and having a good time outside of work mean two completely different things. It's not exactly about lowering your standards from nine-to-five, but it does mean having different expectations. Be prepared for some low key fun.
● Finances: It's been a hard time and you're looking forward to tossing out everything that's been holding you back in your financial life. Keep the emphasis on 'looking forward' because it's a bit premature to actually throw anything away just yet.
● Love: Clean, simple, totally minimal. If you could achieve this ideal, you'd experience a Zen-like existence (and never hesitate to invite someone over). Pick a room, any room and start there. Untangle cords, put away underwear and shred paperwork. Get rid of the clutter.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Don't be selfish. You're just making things harder for everyone. The energy should flow through the office, not get caught at your desk. Lay down your butterfly net and participate in the greater good.
● Finances: You're kissing your work problems goodbye, at least for the next couple of days. Be sure you spend the day putting your ducks in order before you go, paying extra attention to their bills. Otherwise, you'll have something extreme to deal with when you return.
● Love: The flake? They've gotta go. You spend way too much time scheduling stuff with a person only so they'll blow you off at the last minute. The world's full of hottie and cuties waiting to meet you. If your pal can't commit, find companionship elsewhere. It's okay to be honest.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: If you think your work day should be filled with fun and romance, then you are totally out there. But if you think it should hold a minimal amount of satisfaction, then you are right on the money. Demand it.
● Finances: You're facing the coming days with renewed enthusiasm. You know exactly what you want out of life and are more determined than ever to get it. That's a great way to look at it. Don't bore others with your plans for financial health, though.
● Love: Passive-aggressive behavior isn't becoming, especially on you. If you don't like someone, why pretend? A little unbridled hostility never hurt anyone, and it's okay to dislike a certain someone. But be genuine. Don't tell them what you think they want to hear.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: A certain project is turning into a bad dream. It's not at the nightmare stage yet, but it's getting close. While you want to rush ahead, you'll never escape its clutches unless you slow down.
● Finances: If you want to only do the fun tasks, like those that are creative and interesting, then don't be surprised that you're not getting the big bucks. Making money can't always be fun. Sometimes old-fashioned hard work is the only thing that pays off. Give it a try.
● Love: Maybe it's time to get away. When you can't escape all those ugly reminders of the past, nothing but a break will do. And no, you don't have to travel across the globe to do it. Take a day off and go somewhere overnight, or spend the weekend away by yourself.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: If all of your loftier ideas get shot down, it could be that you're not expressive enough. Don't be deadpan. Letting your excitement show is the best way to win the approval you need.
● Finances: You have a weird feeling that is making you look over your shoulder. Yes, something is behind you, but it's nothing you can hide from. Bills from the past, like other old issues, won't go away until you deal with them. There's nothing left to do but pay.
● Love: Your hunch about a person or a situation turns out to be totally right on. This doesn't mean you should go around waving your finger and saying 'I told you so.' Chiding will only cause resentment. Better to show your support whether you agree or not.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Impulse buys during lunch are always risky. Where will you store the goods, for one? Taking a longer break than usual merely puts a blinking neon light over your head, so don't expect to slip anything quietly under your desk.
● Finances: The urge to redecorate makes perfect sense, but it won't help. Throwing money at a problem never does. Keep in mind the old saying, wherever you go, there you are. You'll still be living in the same life, even if your house looks totally different.
● Love: Some type of mystery or enigma scrambles your brain right now. This one calls for reinforcement, so ask a pal for help. You'll uncover something from your past that's totally relevant to the present. Even if it doesn't clear up the problem at hand, it sheds light on a long-held riddle.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Expect the unexpected. If you're used to sour expressions, then enjoy the suddenly jovial faces around you. With a bit of exploration, you can learn just what caused the exaltation, and avoid miserable faces tomorrow.
● Finances: You don't go shopping so much as you pull in your net. Your feelers have been out there for a long time, and you know exactly how to haul in a great catch. Just in time, too. With your deals, there's no need to skimp or pinch pennies elsewhere.
● Love: You're thrust into the spotlight. What else can you do but dance your butt off? People aren't paying attention to the missteps, by the way. They're in awe of your awesome performance. Don't be surprised to receive a congratulatory gift from an interesting admirer afterward.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Colleagues may think you're idealistic, but you know you can finish up with lightening speed. All you need to do it is discipline and structure, plus a set of ear plugs to block out the naysayers.
● Finances: You don't need discipline to accomplish what needs doing over the course of the next few days. You have enough interest in the tasks at hand to motivate an army. Your high energy is put to good use. Enjoy.
● Love: When the topic of conversation ruffles your feathers today, don't have a hissy fit. Instead, illuminate your perspective. Show others where you're coming from. It might create friction at first, but as the understanding sinks in, you'll walk away with a few unexpected allies.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: If you broaden the pool, you're more likely to get people to agree with your ideas. That doesn't mean you're looking for 'yes men,' but it does mean you need to align yourself with colleagues who have similar values. Find some.
● Finances: You're not sure why certain subliminal issues are dogging you yet again. You're not alone. It's the only time it makes perfect sense to throw money at a problem. Drown your sorrows in great gifts.
● Love: The precautions you've taken over the past months or years are finally paying off -- and how. Aren't you glad you didn't listen to everyone else? Pat yourself on the back and bask in your glory. Someone romantically interested in you notices and admires your acumen.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Okay, blabbermouth, it's time to think long and hard before each word you utter. The moment you express an unformed thought it's the moment your boss will disagree with you. Your safest bet is listening.
● Finances: Don't forget your coworkers when you're being grateful. Whether you feel like you already help them enough, you still need to put some personal thought every time you receive your that paycheck.
● Love: Don't let someone attack an issue or cause you feel strongly about. Instead of vaguely nodding in disagreement, vehemently uphold your stance. Being right or wrong isn't the issue -- it's about principles and you have lots of 'em. Stand up for what you believe in!