Free Daily Horoscope - August 10 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You want to meet your challenges head on, but holding back is your best approach. New details will be revealed, so the longer you wait the more informed you will be. Force yourself to dawdle.
● Finances: The days are going by, but a bit too slowly for your taste. You're excited about both, the end of something and the beginning of the next. You can't wait to say goodbye to things going wrong. Start anticipating a deserved time of renewal.
● Love: You'll find comfort in rituals. That's why now's a great time to cultivate a daily or weekly observance. It can be anything: a hot bubble bath, a noon nap, a climb up a rock wall -- whatever it is, relish the experience and give yourself something to look forward to.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Just calm down. The more at ease you feel, the more productive you will be. Once you take a few breaths, you'll be able to accomplish a lot more, and be more charming while you're at it.
● Finances: You love nothing more than shaving the edges off your spending. In fact, you're downright passionate about it. That makes this time of year bittersweet for you. Don't let being pulled in two directions make you moody, or worse yet, ruin your festive mood.
● Love: Be careful about getting stuck in your routine -- it's way too easy to decline an invitation if you already have something planned. That bubble bath can wait. If your pals or a hottie asks you out, go for it. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Whoever designed your cubicle wasn't taking idle chitchat into consideration. Blocking out the chatter around you has become another of your hidden talents. Sadly, it's one you can't put on your resume.
● Finances: The more things you have to buy, the more calculating you have to do. You're a human abacus right about now. But don't rely on your inner computer to make the right decisions. Probe even deeper with a real one.
● Love: You're not about to take anything too seriously right now. Too bad everyone else is acting like it's the end of the world. You know it doesn't matter, and that's all that counts. Allow others space to do their own thing. When the issue blows over, everything goes back to normal.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: You're in an analytical mood, so put it to good use. Parse through some long term plans but don't stop there. You'll benefit from going over the smaller issues, too.
● Finances: There is a lot of extra emotional weight attached to everything you so much as consider buying. All that intensity is making you unsure of yourself and your ability to make the right choices. Don't spend until the feeling passes and you know you're capable of picking a winner.
● Love: The lights are down and the spotlight is on you. And whether it's your boss or a cutie, you're it -- the center of attention. Don't evade it. Instead, step right up and let all eyes fall on you. Who cares if you miss a step? Everyone will remember your fabulous performance.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You just can't stop obsessing over the budget. If that's your job, then give yourself a pat on the back. If it's not, then give yourself a much-needed break and let others take on the financial strategies and plans.
● Finances: Being self-centered is actually rarely in your best interest, but never less so than now. Limber up your compassion and interest in others while there's still a bit of time to make it matter. If you just can't make yourself do it, then fake it.
● Love: Whether you hold the title or not, you're the boss. So don't hesitate to stand up for what you think is right. If you're tired of someone's disparaging jokes or racist comments, tell them straight up. When everyone else cowers, you're the voice of the underdog.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: It doesn't take any big achievements to have a great day. In fact, all you have to do is tidy up your desk and you'll leave the office humming. It doesn't make much sense, but enjoy it while it lasts.
● Finances: Your emotions are your best source of fuel, and your inner engines will be racing pretty soon. You can hardly wait to start. Instead of simply revving your engines and feeling restless, prepare for your big spending spree with some insight, paper and pencil.
● Love: A fun period of your life is about to start. So before it gets here, make a plan. Go on a road trip, host a party or hang with the latest and greatest cutie. Get your ducks in a row now for maximum fun and excitement.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Are you really overwhelmed by work? Or is it just that nagging voice in your head again? Don't let someone tell you you're not doing enough -- even if that someone is you.
● Finances: It's a good time to count your money and set yourself a budget if you haven't already. Life will encourage you to blow the bank unless you face the next few weeks armed and ready with a maximum amount to spend. It's hard to resist the acquisitive urge.
● Love: Someone in your midst is struggling to deal with an important issue. They've lost their way -- but you can help. Grab their hand and walk with him or her through this difficult time. The favor will be returned twofold.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Being professional is important, but so is being personal. Do a friend a favor, but only if you can spare the time. And even then, keep it a secret.
● Finances: Your confidence is trickling back along with your money. That gives you just enough enthusiasm to look forward to a profitable year ahead. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, though. You still have a few more weeks to ride out. Try to make the most of them.
● Love: It looks like a fabulous deal. But is it? Before you commit to anything, read the fine print. Make sure you know the terms of the arrangement prior to making the commitment. Once the ink is dried, you're in it for good.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You already know how difficult it can be getting past the gatekeeper. Make things easier on yourself by covering all the details first. That way, you'll be prepared for any objections.
● Finances: It's not the right time to feel like taking it slow. You want to send the year out with a bang. Give yourself today and today only to figure out exactly where this new moodiness comes from so you can do something about it. Spend the day alone if you have to.
● Love: You're not always one to give in, but today, it doesn't matter. Someone is dying to go on a date with you. Sure, if you agree it's a mercy thing, but that's okay. Just clarify the arrangement beforehand to avoid mixed messages or hurt feelings. You may even make a new friend.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Don't chomp at the bit. Sometimes doing the ground work can be just as much fun as the nitty-gritty work itself. Spend the day doing research, and enjoying it, too.
● Finances: Your friends are on your mind. You have decisions to make regarding each one individually as well as a big one to make about them all. Your budget will ultimately dictate your final answer, so work on that first.
● Love: Everyone sort of has their own thing going on today -- so don't be surprised if you reach lots of voicemails. It's a great opportunity to finish any and all loose ends. So if you haven't finished paying your bills or updating your online profile, now's the time to do it.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Ever get the feeling you're on a team of one? You're all supposed to be working together, and yet some colleagues have their own hidden agendas. Trust yourself when you get that sneaking suspicion.
● Finances: Giving to someone in need is a private act of charity and it should stay that way. You don't need an audience to know whether or not you're giving as much as you can, and your recipient certainly doesn't want one, either. A tax receipt should be the last thing on your mind.
● Love: Humanitarianism totally fits your personality today. So help out whenever and wherever possible. Find new opportunities to volunteer. Hook up with a cause that suits your tastes -- you'll meet tons of other like-minded singles who seek the same goals.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Don't hesitate to help someone else with a project, even if you don't know much about it beforehand. The payoff for you will be factored in later. For now, just do it.
● Finances: You have the warm and fuzzies. You can indulge the feeling to the max without breaking the bank if you play your cards right. But try to be extra careful in all business involving money.
● Love: It's an out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new kind of a day. So if you haven't cleaned out your junk drawer or bedroom closet in a while, now's a great time to do it. A good rule of thumb: If you haven't used it in more than a year, donate it or recycle it, especially if an ex gave it to you.