Free Daily Horoscope - July 31 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Do something that has to do with culture for a change, and not office culture, either. In fact, leave all thoughts of work behind as you head out to try something totally new.
● Finances: The conversation you have to have isn't easy. It's inevitable, but that doesn't mean you can't put it off for one more day. On the other hand, how much money would you save if you bit the bullet and communicated your message now? The answer just might motivate you to action.
● Love: You're not getting what you're giving -- and you don't like it, at all. Look at the company you're keeping: you hang with a bunch of takers. When you change your homies, you'll change your perspective. Stick with the winners.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Don't drop everything just to make purchases. Shopping doesn't have to involve spending money. It can simply involve salivating, if that suits your budget.
● Finances: No one is as cautious with your money as you are. That makes letting someone else be in charge of it seem foolish. Don't sign anything locking you into that kind of agreement as long as your doubting feelings remain.
● Love: Talk, talk, talk. No wonder your level of intimacy with a certain someone is at an all-time low. You spend most of your time hiding behind a wall of words. Sometimes, the best opportunity for closeness lies in silence. Turn down the lights -- and the sheets, too.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: At loose ends? Communicate with your friends and acquaintances. You'll feel like you're back in high school, calling around for something to do. At least it won't remotely resemble another day in the office.
● Finances: Generating ideas is a necessary part of generating money, and you can't come up with any new ones on your own. You need to bring in the creative types, never an orderly business. Letting them talk over each other and even over you is the most profitable use of everyone's time.
● Love: Don't take your standing with another person for granted. He or she may feel you're in an exclusive arrangement. Before you go out and break their heart with another honey, clear the air. Honesty isn't always easy, but it's effective.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Shut down your good memory and block out all thoughts of work, friction with your boss or any other mental or emotional reference to the office. Then sit back, relax and enjoy the evening.
● Finances: You're out of sync. You're ready to throw all of your fiscal discipline out the window just when you need to curb your wild tendencies the most. You will be going on a bender not of your own making soon enough. For now, try to curb your spending -- one penny at a time.
● Love: Communication often times for you is a one-way street: you talk, they listen. Instead of waiting to pounce in a conversation, ease back and let the words flow from the other person. Absorb the message -- you might hear something crucial.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You're on yet another learning curve, but this one is personal. You might as well enjoy yourself, because it will change your opinion on just about everything, including what it takes to have fun.
● Finances: Think, think, think! You need to come up with the right answer, before you run out of options. Don't let yourself waste time socializing and being frivolous. A party now, as tempting as it seems, would definitely not be money well spent.
● Love: You're a commitmentphobe lately -- so what? Relish your life and enjoy your unattached status. Don't worry about the underlying issues just yet. You have plenty of time to work that stuff out later. For now, just chill and balk at all that mushy stuff.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: If work is what gives you your true sense of purpose, then do what you can to come up with meaningful activities. You just may stumble across one that gives your weekends the same weight as your workweek.
● Finances: It takes cold-hearted calculation to come up with your daily budget. It needs doing first thing in the morning, while you still have the resolve, not to mention the stomach for it. The warmer and more confident you feel as the day progresses, the more likely you will be to loosen up and spend.
● Love: Don't blame your lack of luck on the universe -- it's up to you to put yourself in the right place at the right time. So if you're sitting around, waiting for something to happen, it won't. Get out there and shake things up. Even a walk around the block will improve the odds.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: If the work days are completely about the bottom line, then the days off are completely about relationships. It isn't always so black and white, but for now, put on blinders. Enjoy your friends and family.
● Finances: Being frugal may be trendy, but sharing is never out of style. Your challenge of the day is finding just the right one to share with. Choose carefully. Otherwise you're just squandering your money, as well as your emotions.
● Love: You think you want this; you think you want that. Wants and needs, as they apply to your life right now, are at an impasse. Are you really just manipulating your environment to fit your needs? Most likely. The best way around that is a day of nothing. Just be good with where you're at.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You're not out for gain, today. But go one step further and actually be of service to somebody else. You'll be amazed at how valuable it feels to help your colleagues.
● Finances: It always pays to read the fine print, and you can't be too careful these days. With times as lean as they are, assume everyone is tempted to slip in a well-hidden caveat or two. Glossing over the details would be a big gamble.
● Love: Dating is like mining for valuables on a beach -- you sift through lots of sand before you get to the good stuff. And that's just how it is. Use these opportunities to refine your qualifications. Are you really seeking and meeting people who fit your ideal?
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You don't have to spend time with children to play childlike games, you just have to hearken back to what it was like to be a kid. Just don't be surprised if this leads to adult pastimes, like falling in love.
● Finances: You know what they say about idle hands. Keeping busy in your case doesn't mean taking on meaningless activity, and certainly not spending money frivolously. It doesn't take a philosopher to understand what to cut out and what to invest in -- but deep thinking doesn't hurt.
● Love: This is a painful time in your life -- everything seems so shifty and unsettled. Between work and romance, you wonder when it all with settle into a cool, comfortable routine. It may not for a while, so just plant those feet and find your sea legs.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Don't spend so much as a minute worrying about the office. There's nothing on your desk that won't survive the weekend's postponement. Block it all out and enjoy your weekend instead.
● Finances: Exciting as it can be, even money has its dull moments. The chase may be half the fun but it's only ten percent of the effort. The rest is old-fashioned hard work. It's not called sweat equity for nothing. Start acquiring some.
● Love: When you're playing a part, you won't please anyone -- someone will always find fault with your performance. That's why it's imperative to be true to yourself right now. Who cares what everyone else is doing? Find activities that resonate with your soul.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: If you wear a suit all week, you'll have extra fun dressing down for casual or even days off. In fact, you're feeling downright bohemian and looking the part. Enjoy.
● Finances: You can remember when a good day meant counting your money at the end of a shift. Life is so much more complicated than that now. You do have what it takes, though, to figure out the bottom line -- of your day and your future, if you put the effort into finding out.
● Love: Dating for you should be more about finding someone who shares similar emotional baggage and less about hooking up for material contrivances. Depth is where it's at. All the other stuff will fall into place if your intentions are flexible.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: That slightly let-down feeling is always a bit bewildering. It takes the morning to shake off thoughts of the office and get into the groove of the evening. By afternoon, you'll be soaring.
● Finances: Your very first goal of the day is to come up with some new goals. Don't be too specific about what you want to achieve or how to go about it, either. Plumbing both sides of yourself takes a bit of creativity and effort, but you wouldn't want to achieve only half of your potential.
● Love: The challenge ceases to be about finding Mr. or Mrs. Right -- that just impossible. You, yourself must become a better person through this experience. Once you live according to higher ideals and values, you'll attract a higher quality specimen.