Free Daily Horoscope - August 1 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You know all your hard work has paid off when you can spend an idle day totally guilt-free. Don't think about the office at all. Lolling around lazily is an agreeable way to spend your time.
● Finances: An email or short phone call can start you on a wild goose chase if you're not careful. As long as there's no money involved, all that's wasted is your time. But if money is necessary to keep you going, then keep the entire adventure short and sweet.
● Love: The person you're attracted to and the person you actually hook up with may not be the same. Chemistry is a matter of energy beyond your control. So let nature and biology do what they do, and you do what you do, and everything will work out perfectly!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Thinking of taking a day off? You can't relate to someone who's in the same state of intensified energy as you are and someone calmer won't be interested. Solve your problem by exercising.
● Finances: Your feelings and your money are intertwined. Whether it's a marriage made in heaven depends on how much control you exert over each. It seems as if controlling your spending is easier than reigning in your emotions, but that's just an illusion. Both are urgently necessary.
● Love: Take your dating beyond superficiality. When you're sitting there, sharing tit for tat, ask yourself: Would I want to introduce my parents/best friend/kids/so on to this person? If it's no, time to move on. Best not to waste time with lost causes.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Some days can seem like just another obstacle to your work week. Don't be overly-dedicated. It's only a cover up for avoiding your life. Block out work and spend time communicating with family or friends.
● Finances: There's no point in all of your good ideas if you never follow through with any of them. The last thing you want etched on your tombstone is 'I could have been a contender'. Start taking baby steps toward making your financial goals a reality.
● Love: Don't be surprised if you do and say totally uncharacteristic things. A romantic breeze is blowing in your life, and it's creating the craziest ideas in your head. Go with it. Allow the emotions to flutter -- nothing's too corny when it comes to love.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Ah, the familiar. Being home makes going back to work tomorrow somewhat unappealing. Don't let that kind of anticipation ruin your time with family. Focus on the home front instead.
● Finances: You're mature enough to make your own financial decisions, and that's just what you have to tell the wild-child inside of you. Begging and stomping won't make you break out your wallet, no matter how attractive that may seem.
● Love: Kissing seems benign enough, but it's not. Don't mess with the lips -- swapping spit is a very intimate act that could lead to other things. Are you ready to open that floodgate? Maybe, maybe not. Just take your time and don't kiss on the first date, for now.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Some days you have to sacrifice to the office, and you don't have to make a big show of it, either. Stay late and finish a project. Consider it a matter of professional pride.
● Finances: Listening to your friends can be trouble if what they're dishing up is financial advice. Use the same social skills you use at parties: Smile and nod. As long as you don't take out your wallet or a pen, all you have to do is pretend to be impressed.
● Love: Don't commit to just one person. It pays to keep your options open right now. The romantic interests you're attached to serve different roles in your life. While one is great for opera-going, the other's a hoot in the hay. Above all, honesty reigns supreme.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You'll experience something that proves useful to your workweek. Consider everything grist for the mill. That way whatever you do is actually research. Enjoy killing two birds with one stone.
● Finances: You need to do your best to squeeze out some profit where there seems to be none. Go over all the details until you're down to print so fine it's impossible to read. You're looking for forgotten cash in the pockets of your pants before looking under the couch cushions, if you need a visual.
● Love: Your life's a lot crazy right now. Can all of this be happening at once? That's just how it is: feast or famine. Keep this in mind: you'll encounter tons of learning opportunities. Take the good, discard the rest. It'll come in handy down the road.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Your office mates are more than just coworkers. They're your constant companions. Don't just twiddle your thumbs (or go through colleague withdrawal) when you could be building a friendship after-hours.
● Finances: You need to generate some momentum. It's catch-22. Just like needing money to make money, you need good energy to generate good energy. There are lots of things at your disposal to jumpstart the process, but your biggest source of enthusiasm is deep within you.
● Love: Your ability to date like a pro lies in your flair for originality -- being yourself. It's not about flinging all kinds of witty banter at people, hoping a few of your words will lure that hottie into your lair. Relax. Be yourself. Act natural. Superficiality is a real turn off.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You're being ambushed, and by your own impulses. You never know when you'll be overtaken by one. They may be powerful, but with or without them, you're ultimately responsible for your own actions.
● Finances: If you're handling other people's money, you may be tempted to let a few more things slide than you would if it was your own cash. Don't give in to that kind of laziness. Be as careful in this business as you would if the farm were at stake.
● Love: Dating's fun, but it's serious business, too. Don't leave your home, even to fetch your mail, looking unkempt. The universe is throwing all kinds of opportunities your way, and if you're unprepared, just for a moment, you might miss a golden chance.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Accept it, you've met your match. The pull of the couch is upon you. You might have the best of intentions, but doing work at home just isn't going to happen. Try to give yourself a break.
● Finances: Being all talk and no action isn't really your style. But you have to stay busy somehow when there's just no action to drum up. Be careful not to miss a golden opportunity, though, by getting too wrapped up in cheap talk.
● Love: The last thing you want to do right now is emerge from the masses and show your face. It's so much easier to blend in. But that's just wasted time -- you won't get anywhere! Instead, put a smile on your face and engage the world. A happy you is irresistible.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Doing something for yourself has become a necessity. Consider it a one way of preparing for your work week. Whether it's romance, taking in a movie or just plain zoning out, you need to indulge.
● Finances: You want money that's here to stay, not instant riches squandered as fast as it's earned. Resist the feeling that you're desperate for any kind of cash you can get your hands on. Be clear that your goals are long term, then get back to work on them.
● Love: Leave them wanting more. Being too available to anyone right now puts you at a disadvantage. Create some tension, make your time valuable, and answer your phone at your leisure. The type of hotties you're into love challenge. Don't disappoint!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Everything changes depending on the calendar, even your personality! You fit into your suits all week. Today, let your eccentricities get a little exposure.
● Finances: With the skills you've honed surviving the last year and a half, you have what it takes to start on a completely new path once your finances stabilize. But is that what you want to do with your new-found creativity? It's a good day to decide.
● Love: Don't be afraid to go deeper. It's easy to allow superficialities such as race, religion and politics to turn you off. Look beyond the obvious difference and seek greater truths. You and this person have more in common than you realize.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: It's hard to relax when people are breathing over your shoulder, but do what you can. Tonight, make a good dinner or work on creating a soft, soothing atmosphere at home. Anything to block out tomorrow.
● Finances: Your illusions are being revealed for what they are, and the reality behind the curtain is not what you want to see. If you want something different, then get busy making it happen. Waiting around for pennies from heaven is just more fantasy.
● Love: If you don't love children or little dogs, don't say you do. Frankness is totally important right now. The other person has too much at stake for games, so if you're not into it, be honest. Leading someone on will only waste everyone's time (and create hurt feelings).