Free Daily Horoscope - June 5 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You know the routine. Someone gets angry at colleagues, and then does as little work as possible. Could it be you who's doing the sulking? Say it ain't so, please! Think of your karma, if not your resume.
● Finances: Working hard pays off, it's true, but so does working slightly less than hard. You shouldn't have to knock yourself out just to make a buck today. If it feels like it's more trouble than it's worth, it is.
● Love: Exploring new romantic territory can always be somewhat intimidating. But without risk, there's just 'what ifs'. Make a point today to do something daring to jump-start your social life. Your dating destiny is all up to you.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Boundaries are everything. Sure, you and your colleagues share common goals, but don't lose track of who they are. If you need someone to whom you can tell your personal problems, wait for your night out with friends.
● Finances: Showing off is out. Decadence is a thing of the past, if not out of necessity then simply to keep up with the style of the times. If you aren't having a hard time with your finances, you should keep that little nugget to yourself.
● Love: A transition about to happen and you may not be ready. Change isn't something your relish, so take precautions now to prevent any earth-shattering surprises. The more adaptable you are, the easier it will be in the long run.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: A bit of frustration used to be all it took to motivate you. In today's economy, is annoyance really enough? Think long and hard before you consider taking a mad leap.
● Finances: There is always someone or something to break your train of thought. You'll never get to the end of the line with all the interruptions, so find a place where you can concentrate. Your eureka moment will pay handsomely.
● Love: You're a natural when it comes to communicating. Put your skills to good use by offering to mediate between feuding friends. Your ability to always know the right word for the moment may help your pals to say how they really feel.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your mind is drawn inward, but not to superficial things. Nothing short of philosophizing can hold your attention today. If you're stuck at the office, be prepared for your mind to wander.
● Finances: You long for something familiar and safe early in the day. Take the emotion literally. Going home for lunch may be all you need to have a productive and profitable afternoon.
● Love: Perhaps your next crush should be someone with a quick mind instead of fast hands? When you go searching for a soul mate it's best to find a person whose mental capacity is as stimulating as their sex appeal. You want the whole package.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Even the best of them need a break, every now and then. You need to get creative if you want to keep work off your mind. Focus on artwork, whether you are making it or simply appreciating it.
● Finances: Find out what your rights and responsibilities are. Walking away may make the most financial sense, but what about the law? If you think there is no right or wrong, only differing opinions, think again.
● Love: Today you may meet someone who changes your opinion on how to flirt. Flowers and candy aren't the only ways to show affection. Sometimes others reveal sexual attraction through teasing. Kidding around could mean something else entirely.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Ah, you get to address problems on the home front. Relationship issues may make you wish you could just head to work, but no such luck. Whichever way they play out, you'll be ready for the workday.
● Finances: You're doing some astral traveling of sorts. Your thoughts and dreams, if not your soul, are on a journey while you sweat and toil. That means making money is like killing two birds with one stone.
● Love: Your high-spirited nature may be in demand from someone who could use a dose of good cheer. Seek out those who need an uplifting word and give them something to smile about. You're about to make everyone's glass half full.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: You'll have a hard time getting out of work mode. Wrap your mind around it in any way that works. If you're out of ideas, start with coffee as the ultimate attitude adjuster.
● Finances: You have to feel comfortable if you want to make any money today. Make wherever you are your home away from home. And if home is where you work, then make sure it's cozy.
● Love: As tempting it might be to rely on email and text messaging to flirt, nothing beats one-on-one time in person. Make sure you don't use technology as a crutch. There really is no substitution for human interaction.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Reality and fantasy mingle in a cozy, comfortable way. That's the only surefire approach to fighting stress right now. So go ahead, imagine a romance, or do some internal sleuthing. The classifieds can wait another day.
● Finances: You imagine you're fighting an invisible force. It may feel like you're up against an opponent stronger than you, but that's just your own attitude. Be brave, try to relax and dig in. You'll realize nothing in life is working against you.
● Love: Today is a good day to start up a conversation with someone new. When you chat with strangers you may learn you have more in common than you think. Ask them about their interests and beliefs. Find out their background and where they grew up. You never know when casual contact could lead to a more profound relationship.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Dwelling on the economy won't do you any good unless you use it as incentive. It's a good time to expand your horizons, if only as a safety net. Take out your oldest phone book and make some calls.
● Finances: You need to be cool and logical, even though the subject is a heated one. Money is really not going to flow from your passion this time. Try to look at the details and be as analytical as possible.
● Love: Find pleasure in the little things today. When you slow down to appreciate the small stuff, life seems much more interesting. Apply the same philosophy towards your love life. Pay attention to the tiny moments that make relationships special.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: If you want to advance on a project, give it a rest. Use creativity to exercise all thoughts of it from your mind. Once your head is clear, you'll find you've actually moved forward, as if by magic.
● Finances: Going out on a limb may make you more money, but it's time to fall back on the basics instead. The old stand bys have been faithfully waiting for your return. They're more valuable than a rainy day account.
● Love: Dating success if your responsibility as much as the person you ask out. Don't expect the other person to do the lion's share of the entertaining and wooing. This is a team effort where your contributions to the discussion are just as important as theirs.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: There are so many ways to help those less fortunate than you these days that it's hard not to be compassionate. In fact, it's getting harder and harder. Don't let it become yet another day of putting yourself first.
● Finances: No need to become a long-winded old grandparent. Just because you've learned a thing or two about money doesn't mean you have to spread the news. Only share when asked.
● Love: The best part of dating someone new is discovering their interests, hopes, dreams and even fears. Don't be too quick to rush to the commitment finish line. Enjoy the feeling of excitement when unearthing facts about your crush.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Work has been getting the best of what you have to offer, and it's time to indulge yourself. You get to do something for yourself without feeling guilty. Consider it your last day for a while.
● Finances: Creating the illusion of wealth just might hurry its arrival. Take out your best china and silverware and start making a good dinner. Just going through the motions is like reciting poetry to the universe.
● Love: New relationships can be murky territory. Be honest with your intentions from the beginning to help avoid any future misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Lifting the fog is easier when you keep mixed messages out of the equation.