Free Daily Horoscope - June 17 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Next week will be a wash, it goes without saying. But while you want to get as much done today and tomorrow as possible, rushing will only end up setting you back. Take a deep breath and focus on the tedious details.
● Finances: Being introverted is unusually unprofitable today. You have no subliminal business to deal with, because they have all popped to the surface. While you're busy making sense of the motivations that have driven you thus far, new riddles are being folded into the unknown that is you.
● Love: Use your charm to get what you want today. Your warm smile and a few knowing looks could go a long way. Be sincere in your quest to win someone's heart. Keep the fake one-liners out of the conversation. Genuine compliments seal the deal.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Art, a long lunch, a subway ride -- almost anything at all looks more attractive than sitting at your desk, dealing with the day's tedium. But while it may not be a good time, remind yourself you're in it for the cash.
● Finances: The intensity with which you respond to the world is almost too much. The slightest compliment and you are practically swooning. An up-tick has you delirious with joy. Don't bother trying to make good use of this delicious if fleeting feeling. Just enjoy.
● Love: Give into your lazy side today. The motivation to work hard isn't there, so you might as well have some fun. Grab a pal who appreciates your current slacker state of mind and take the day off. Head to the movie theater, or challenge your buddy to a video game marathon.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: If you're trying to tally up your month, you'll have a hard time calculating the amount of work missed through sheer chatter. Was it worth spending time with the office busybodies? Decide now which column to put them in.
● Finances: No one could be slower or more diligent than you. You are plodding through the unknown as if the field you were hoeing would one day yield your only source of food. In fact, that's closer to the truth than it is to a metaphor. You are planting the seeds of future feast or famine.
● Love: Feeling overwhelmed with work, love and life in general, you may feel tempted to shut down. Instead of flipping the emotional off switch, it's better if you get your frustrations out in the open. Talk with someone you trust and value their advice.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: The weightier issues are already done deals. It's time to focus on some of the smaller ones. Making plans with friends or simply cleaning up your desk are some of them.
● Finances: Staying on the fence will make your whole house of cards come crashing down on top of you. Decisive action is your only real hope for stability. Don't waste a minute stuck in indecision. It almost doesn't matter what choice of action you take, as long as you take it.
● Love: Watch for others who may be trying to tell you something important today. News travels fast so make sure you're not left out of the loop. Separate the facts from the gossip and proceed accordingly.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: It's good to look forward to the day with a strategy in mind. But if tomorrow is an extension of this one, no amount of planning can prepare you. Stick to the current plan: Be as thrifty as possible.
● Finances: Gloss doesn't impress you anymore. You're once burned, twice shy when it comes to appearances. But anything of substance takes more time to reveal itself than you have. Do your best to look at issues deeply.
● Love: You're feeling good today so why hoard all the happy vibes? Spread the joy around by hanging out with someone you have warm and fuzzies about. They'll appreciate your positive demeanor and killer smile.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Has the day started to make sense yet? If nothing has gelled by now, it probably won't. If that's the case, let them all go and look forward to starting new plans and projects.
● Finances: A mystery has you mildly curious. You don't have to delve too deeply into it to wake up your inner intellectual. Coming up with an answer isn't really the point anyway. It's the process itself that matters.
● Love: An upcoming plan to ask someone new out might have a few minor setbacks, but that doesn't mean you should give up. A few challenges will make the date that more rewarding once it happens. Persistence is key.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: You have that nagging voice in your head, but you can't understand what it's trying to tell you. Something needs done soon. Don't let yourself get too overwhelmed to remember what.
● Finances: When the urge to acquire strikes, it's time to head for inexpensive outlets. The dollar bin will quench your thirst as easily as Tiffany's today. It's the act itself that counts.
● Love: This high energy day is the perfect opportunity to ask your crush to join you on an adventure that requires more than the usual stamina. Go for a brisk jog around the park, or show off your moves at the local ice rink. Get physical!
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Just how you made it through this tumultuous day is one of your little secrets. Don't let on how you did it, not even to your closest friends. Let that particular skeleton get buried.
● Finances: If money doesn't bestow on you the magnetic qualities you are seeking, it's taught you more than you deserve to know. Don't let yourself spend too much time whimpering over the realization. Consider yourself lucky instead.
● Love: Patience and dating never seem to go hand in hand. The longer you wait for a soul mate, the harder it is to keep away from the fast forward button when you meet someone worthy. When you finally find a crush, practice enjoying the moment as it happens. Don't rush the magic!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You're in a rush to close the door on a project, and no one can blame you. But some important details still need to be covered. Deal with them, if only to satisfy your boss.
● Finances: You're not the type who needs down time alone very often. So when you do, you know to follow the mood. Listening to the insider tips you'll get from your subconscious takes peace and quiet. Carve it out.
● Love: Decisions might be hard to make today, especially when it comes to the laws of attraction. While it's fun to give into your sexual desires, love can complicate a casual relationship especially if it's one-sided. Think carefully before you agree to move forward.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Others may appear to be leaving the office like, well, rats leaving a sinking ship, but that's just louding your interpretation of what's perfectly normal. In any event, you can achieve a lot if you stay at your desk and make the most of the peace and quiet.
● Finances: You live to do everything yourself. Asking for help from others is excruciating. Turn your project into a game and learn to have fun with the friends you rope in. You'll make it a much more productive day on more than one front.
● Love: All relationships have their share of challenges. No one has a problem-free love affair. When you search for that special someone it helps to find someone who isn't afraid of a little compromise. Be prepared to be flexible as well.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: If you want to make sense of an issue, you'll have to look way beneath the surface. Your biggest challenge risks bleeding into another project, and that is getting along well with others.
● Finances: It's a day to cool your jets. Slowing down your raging ambition is an important part of getting ahead. No one can function with all the stops out, seven days a week. Give yourself this day to rest.
● Love: Personal issues may be getting in the way of your search for true love. You've been hurt in the past but that doesn't mean everyone is out to betray you. Start trusting that some people have your best interests at heart.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: The relationships you have with colleagues are important ones on so many levels, not the least of which is the sheer amount of time you spend together. Your gift list should be made up of more than mere tokens.
● Finances: Make sure your friends are really as warm and fuzzy as you think they are. One is a shark in a teddy bear outfit. If their behavior changes at the smell of money, you'll know the one to avoid.
● Love: Finding a balance between what your heart wants and what your head thinks can be tough. As you get to know someone new it's best to find a compromise between the two. Don't let one side win out over the other.